
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 22, 2010 3:44 AM. The previous post in this blog was Blazer front office bloodletting gets uglier. The next post in this blog is Another land grab dream fulfilled in Portland. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, March 22, 2010

Love those teabaggers

A class act all the way.

Comments (21)

I'm close to three people whom I know to be very active teabaggers. They are among the most decent, moral, generous and responsible people that I know.

Take my mother-in-law for example, among her parade of horribles are volunteer work teaching English to incarcerated murderers, housing Hurricane Katrina refugees gratis for a year and generously contributing time and money to support teenage mothers and their babies.

The locals I know who attended the tea bag rallies on the Hill saw and heard nothing of the slurs which are repeated in the link. These incidents are isolated. I have personally seen teabaggers harassed and threatened by fruitcakes who call themselves Progressive. I assume these are isolated incidents as well.

Right. Pay no attention to the signs, slogans, statements of position, or conduct of these fine folks.

Both sides have their dept. of idiots. Just look at some of the nutbags who protest here in Portland from time to time.
Which btw, where are all those protesters? The war is still going on, right?

I wonder where the Huffington Post or the daily kos would fit into this civil discussion.

Would a politician lie about something like this? huh Sam?

Ironic that you need to refer to them as "teabaggers" when calling them out for a lack of class. Every movement has a few individuals that can make them look bad. Did you pay any attention to other protests?

Jack since it is your blog, I will respect decorum and not spell out completely the term, but the C*********s got it wrong.

Below is the video where those gentlemen strolled up to the Capitol. Listen carefully and see if you hear the offensive words.


Oops not there, guess the KC paper was wrong. But hey, the truth does not make for a good story.

This is why street protests are counterproductive. The few ruin it for the majority.

I live on Capitol Hill and went for a jog on the mall during the protest, and I have to say most of them were pretty normal upstanding folks.

I was more shocked at how absolutely white the crowd was. Seriously, I didn't see a single minority.

Gotta love all these people receiving benefits from Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security (including SS disability payments for those under 65), and the VA out there advocating for limited government. I'd love to see how many of the tea party crowd would be on the front lines if the bill proposed to abolish the government transfer programs upon which they depend.

The not-so-subtle racism involved here tells us that the US of A hasn't progressed anywhere near as far as some suggest. Most of these people (and I use the word loosely) involved in these demonstrations refuse to accept the fact that we elected a black President.

Jack, with all of the video cameras out there during the rallies, don't you think that there would be some evidence of this happening? I have seen the Youtube videos and there is nothing of the sort happening. But of course it is reported as fact in the media. Aren't bloggers like yourself supposed to point out the lies being perpetuated in the big media? Just asking.

There is confusion over where this happened. Some protesters were outside, some were in the buildings. Barney Frank was yelled at inside.

I'm not sure what all the tea party movement represented around the time of the bank bailouts. I think it was considerably more nuanced. But it's pretty clear who it represents now.

Hey rural resident of course folks use SS,Medicare and the VA. The first two are taking money from you,me and your employer to finance the system. They are not programs granted out of benevolence by Uncle Sam and given to the hoi polloi.

The VA is used by those who stepped up in the defense of the country and were sent to various hell holes across the world by the politicians, who now deride them. If you think these folks are goldbricking,then you should contact your local Congress person and lobby to shut the VA down.

Hey PJ, I'm not saying that they shouldn't be getting Social Security, Medicare, or VA benefits. I'm glad they can--and they can because Democrats over the course of many decades successfully fought Republican opposition to make those programs available to citizens who needed the assistance.

I'm saying that they're a bunch of raging hypocrites for 1) complaining about "big government" when they're living off of those programs that have caused government's presence to expand; and 2) for trying to deny other people access to new and worthwhile programs with some of the same characteristics that make their lives more comfortable.

The teabag types need some lessons in both civics and civility.

I think (iff) those calling people the N-word or the F-word are uncouth and foul-mouth idiots.

But, as was already mentioned, where is the evidence? At least, with the "Baby killer" remark, there are witnesses on both sides of the House. But I haven't heard any corroboration, even with all the YouTubers out there. I watched the videos and did not hear any swear words. Maybe Twana and Rev Sharpton will produce the smoking gun.

"Right. Pay no attention to the signs, slogans, statements of position, or conduct of these fine folks."

Nor should we pay attention to the Union Goon squad who wore union garb while beating up on black tea party protesters. Did that never happen, because your liberal press never printed it? But YouTube does a good job showing that evidence in that particular case, why not in this case?

I say there are enough idiots on both sides of this issue; it is not fair to smear everybody for the actions of a few. I mean, it not like they are a bunch of BMW drivers...

Evidently the latest talking point from right wing radio is that these epithets never were uttered and all made up by the liberal media.

the truth does not make for a good story.

I believe John Lewis, who is a true American hero. He doesn't make this sort of stuff up.

Wow Jack yesterday you spoke for Christ and today you vouch for a man's veracity.You're a busy fellow.

By the way how do you know Mr Lewis and especially his ability to tell the truth?

I have met John Lewis and spoken with him.

And you, pitiful troll, are done here.

I was more shocked at how absolutely white the crowd was. Seriously, I didn't see a single minority.

Heh! You live in the Portland area. In the rest of the country, white people, as you refer to them, are increasingly the minority.

Does that really matter? Are you threatened by seeing a mostly white crowd? Should you not be judged by the content of your character, rather than the color of your skin?

Or does that only work one way?

Are you threatened by seeing a mostly white crowd?

Who isn't?

The optics of an all white crowd protesting a black president are not great. And it makes the protest less effective.

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