Tax-financed election porn -- it's "for the children"
We got a slick flyer in the snail mail the other day from the Portland children's levy. I can't remember ever getting mail from a tax before, but this piece is more special than just that. Produced with tax dollars, it says it cost a quarter to print and mail, but who knows how much it cost to design, create, write, and edit. It folds out to 9 by 15.75 inches, in beautiful full color:

It tells about all the wonderful things being done with the extra property tax money, yada yada yada. But the real message is on the reverse of the outside of the mailer, down by where you have to pull to open the thing up. (There's a little glue on the inside there holding the package together.) And lo and behold, whose name and sales pitch do you find right there where you go to lift the flap?

Who needs "voter-owed elections"? For an incumbent, there's more than one way to get the taxpayers to pay for your campaign literature.
Comments (9)
This is exactly why the state legislature has a communication blackout. During the blackout they cannot communicate with the public using state funds. This mailer would violate that blackout. Voter owned or not, Dan Saltzman shouldn't be able to put his name on a mailer like this while he is running for office. I would be all for the city taking on the state blackout model to avoid something like this in the future.
Posted by leinad | March 23, 2010 10:39 AM
Remember back during the tram debate when Dan was explaining why he changed his vote? The Oregonian had just come out with an editorial calling him a Man of Steel for showing the courage to flip-flop under pressure.
So Dan launched into an analogy comparing the situation between OSHU and the city council to a bad marriage that could end up in court with the children - presumably us - getting hurt.
He then got a little emotional saying that he had seen the damage a divorce could inflict. It was clear that we were being treated to one of his pet issues. His go-to move. He obviously really cared about the kids and helping them in any way possible, so darn it, that's why he was going to change his vote on the tram.
It remains one of the more ridiculous ploys I've ever seen, and I follow politics for a living.
After that, using little kids to try and get reelected is not a big surprise. Even a Man of Steel needs help sometimes.
Posted by Bill McDonald | March 23, 2010 10:45 AM
So, programs for children in Portland's parks are flourishing, right?
WRONG! They've been slashed for legacy projects and developer wet-dreams.
Posted by godfry | March 23, 2010 11:52 AM
When I received my copy last week I noticed three things:
1) No mention of an independent evaluation of the programs
supported by this levy:
2) A prominent paragraph regarding "Accountability to Taxpayers" which referred solely to "[t]he cost per mailing" ("25 cents"). No independent accounting of the actual cost of the mailing's preparation was included.
3) The childish scrawl of Mr Saltzman's signature.
In summary, this unsolicited document is merely evidence of the weaponization of children in the career commissioner's political campaign.
Posted by Gardiner Menefree | March 23, 2010 12:24 PM
Dan should practice his penmanship!
Maybe Firehose Randy will let him ride on the truck to the next fire.
Posted by portland native | March 23, 2010 2:56 PM
Wait, wut? I thought the voters just approved this crap via Measures 66 and 67? Ohhhhhh, that money was for "other" children. This money is for "these" children. And next time, after more taxes have been collected and they have their hand out for more, we suckers will pay for "those" children, too. Give me a break already . . .
Posted by Mike (the other one) | March 23, 2010 3:23 PM
Using kids to prop up one's election is pathetic.
If elected officials really want to help the children, stop their insane policies. Financial responsibility would be a good start, but oh no, they continue on with the stadium deals, developers, planners galore with ideas that hurt our children, such as pushing “affordable housing” without adequate yards to play and exercise in.
How about standing up for our Bull Run water system instead of adding toxic chemicals in their drinking water? How healthy is that? Why close the reservoirs and bring radon into their schools and homes? Unhealthy policies based on politics and not on science need to be stopped.
So we have hypocrites in Council that hurt not only our community but the children and now they have to go "marketing" using children for more money! They don’t seem to care or won't make the connection from their unhealthy policies to unhealthy children. One cannot separate the two, no matter how they wish to twist it.
If Saltzman really cared about the children, he would stand up for our community and keep our healthy drinking water, same goes for Leonard, Adams Fish and Fritz. "Allowing others to profit from and then degrade the good water from future generations" is not helping the children and is being done without a conscience.
We can no longer afford to have officials without a conscience making these critical decisions. Adults of our community need to speak out for the health of our community and especially for the children, as the children depend on adults who can advocate for their best interests and future. Children certainly cannot depend on politicians who are hypocrites.
Posted by clinamen | March 23, 2010 6:40 PM
"And lo and behold, whose name and sales pitch do you find right there where you go to lift the flap?"
So maybe you wanted him to send out a notice about how well he runs the police are?
Posted by Steve | March 23, 2010 8:07 PM
It's a type of child abuse. Gardiner Menefree is right in stating aptly that Saltzman & Co.'s glossy campaign litter is evidence of the weaponization of children in the career commissioner's political campaign.
Want to know how much they spent on creating and producing Saltzman's mailer? Just ask them. They'll tell you without forcing you to go thru the rigamarole of a formal written PRA request, because after all, as they state on their website: The Children’s Levy strives for openness and transparency with the public. Or not. Go by kiddie car!
Posted by Mojo | March 23, 2010 11:56 PM