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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Beginning of the end for Rangel

He's lost the Ways and Means chair -- which he should, since his personal finances raise far too many questions for that position -- and he'd better hope he doesn't wind up following his predecesor, Dan Rostenkowski, to a low-security federal corrections institution.

Comments (9)

You just have to shake your head. He was so good on so many issues. Too bad the greed got him.

It's New York City -- the tradition is rooted too deeply.

Remember, he lives in several rent-controlled apartments, which he has converted into a penthouse suite.

Shades of his predecessor, Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., right down to the Caribbean hideaways.

Could you refresh my memory on "He was so good on so many issues."?

Women's rights, peace, social safety net -- especially for kids. Me like.


Oops. Let me try that link again.

Incredible how long they let him stay in there. Total crook like 90% of the rest of them.

One contributing problem here is the fact that most districts for the U.S. House are one-party fiefdoms where the nomination primary IS the election. Rangel usually is unopposed.

We need to take redistricting away from state legislators and do what a few states (WA, IA) do and allow a non-partisan panel to draw lines.

As for good on issues I remember him using smears to attack someone arguing for decriminalization of marijuana claiming they were in favor of crack babies or some such.

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