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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Another day on the freeway

Which make of car has ruder drivers?
pollcode.com free polls

Comments (45)


It's a German car thingy!

Anything hybrid, or worse, a car with "EV" stickers plastered all over.

You need Subarus on there, specifically Forresters. Everytime I see one I want to turn and go the other direction.

I can handle rude. It's the skill-less and clueless that you have to watch out for. They drive a little of everything.

Another vote for Subaru.

Subaru Outback, closely followed by Toyota Prius.

Don't forget Volvos. Their drivers are like the shoppers at Trader Joes (probably the same demographic, actually) that take up the whole aisle and invade your personal space as they reach for their hummus - oblivious, rude, or obliviously rude.

In my experience, Audi, hands down.

BMW drivers are really in the tops for bad driving, the people that buy that car buy it for one reason-it goes fast!

And they like to prove it to everybody else.

Another vote for the Prius, with a close second for anything Subaru...

Anyone else getting out of the way of Toyota's these days?

BMW drivers are the worst.

They pay maximum bucks for a warmed over Accord, but with a 'status symbol' hood ornament. They think that paying the big bucks somehow makes them an advanced autobahn driver... NOT!

The difference between a BMW and porcupine? With porcupines, the pricks are on the outside...

Whao, Larry, take it easy. I have drive a BMW and love it. It's my fourth one, the latest in a chain of used BMW's I buy from Asian kids when their leases run out. Fantastic cars, and anyone who thinks a BMW is just a rebadged, warmed-over Accord should drive one.

I do agree that the average BMW driver is a young, irresponsible, overprivileged p*ick, but please, don't throw us all in that category...

The key factor isn't the make of the car, it's the size. In general, drivers of larger vehicles tend to feel safer (whether or not they actually are) and thus are more likely to act on aggressive impulses.

While not all of them are rude, an disproportionate number of BMW drivers are definitely the rudest out there.

I know that it's the norm to say BMW drivers suck... but I don't know, I really do think Volkswagen drivers have eclipsed BMW drivers as being terrible.

BMW drivers are almost as bad as the drivers of any oversized pickup truck. The the amount of chrome on the truck directly correlates with the fundament nature their driving personality. Intelligence is inversely correlated with tire size (and thus, ground clearance distance).

But if you really want rude, check out the bicycle rider with no helmet, no lights, and no reflectors riding at night with all black clothing. Suggest that they might frustrate their deathwish by using some brain cells and you'll be greated with a string of explitives that would make a truck driver blush. As one bicyclist friend of mine noted, there is a desperate need for a 'thinning of the herd'.

1# Any Subaru, they don't know that you can make a right hand turn at a red light; when you tap your horn they give you the... 2# Prius, they drive 34mph in a 45mph zone watching their carb saving indicator ignoring the road as they weave down the road.

I'm starting to see particularly bad behavior from the Jetta.

Toyota Prius drivers! They are all so clueless while driving.

The worst used to be Volvo, and they are still bad as people who know they suck buy them so they don't die.

Prius' are worse. They are either ex-Vovlo types or are so self-richous that they cut you off, sit in the passing lane when they are not passing, etc. They are people who hate cars and think they are too good to know how to properly use one. Can't stand them and have resorted to doing whatever it takes to get in front of them. (sorry to the few exceptions to the rule)

When I drive a friend's BMW occasionally it is amazing how rude people are to me. They must have bad experiences with them.

Toyota Prius drivers! They are all so clueless while driving.

And as of late some of them cant seem to figure out the difference between a brake and gas pedal.

I'm told those of us who drive the Jettas do so just because we can't afford a BMW so not only are we bad drivers, we're envious bad drivers.

Beamers and Volvos get my vote.

I can'te believe no one has said minivan mamas who put on makeup, eat, and read while driving. And, yes, I have seen them do all three. The mom eating spaghetti took the cake, although it was closely followed by the woman putting on mascara while driving in snow.

Anything with a Washington (Vantucky) license plate.

News flash: some people drive more than one brand of car!

I've never had a biker wearing a Gypsy Joker jacket try to run me off the road; The same can not be said for pink Cadillacs sporting the Mary Kay logo.

how about them 30-40 somethings in over-sized Dodge Ram'mum up your arse?


Prius drivers aren't exactly "rude", and I can't blame the drivers for their vehicles' inability to maintain the speed limit on the freeway (other than maybe they should consider the fact their vehicle gets less MPGs on the freeway, and stick to the surface streets.

Subaru drivers think they're all that...

I drive a BMW and I don't care what any of you think.

Which is entirely typical. They tend not to care what anybody thinks.

It's usually called narcissism.

Can we have an exemption for Subarus that predate the first Clinton administration?

Prius drivers have got to be the worst. Next time you pass one (and you will, unless you're driving a Volvo ;), you may notice that they're looking at the MPG meter in the middle of the dash instead of the road.

Volvo drivers are a close second, unless they're a teenager borrowing mom's car. They're most likely to slam on brakes for no apparent reason, stop at an intersection with no stop sign (and sometimes a green light, I've seen it happen more than once!), or commit some other act of road idiocy.

I try to get around old folks in Caddies, Oldsmobiles, and Buicks ASAP. They're too unpredictable.

BMW and Benz drivers should also be avoided - they can't talk and drive at the same time (and they're ALWAYS talking on their cells). They're most likely to make a right turn into an intersection in front of you so you have to slam on brakes, even though you've got the green and they've got the red. Just a bad combination of hubris and headuptheassness.

I got no beefs with other makes & models, though some SUV drivers can be a menace, apparently because they don't know where their vehicle ends and the other lane begins.

When I started making my commute to Hillsboro daily, I became convinced that for some reason, when a driver in a BMW goes by, they tend to ignore the use of the turn signal while changing lanes, will knowingly go past signs warning that the road is narrowing, just to squeeze in ahead of just. one. more. car. Sans turn signal of course.

And never a thank you wave. Ever. In fact, I rarely see the courtesy wave here.

I got more thank you waves in Chicago than I ever got here. I got a waves in Southern California, usually with 4 fewer fingers than a wave usually has. But still....

I hate the wave. People around here are so busy waving they swerve, block traffic, and do other stupid things. If I do something nice, just keep your hands on the wheel and GO!

Aggressive drivers are engaged drivers. It's the wanderers with the 180 degree perspective (no need to check what's behind me) that are the real threat out there. BMW's are really great driving machines. I've got an 85 with 225,000 miles on it and it still runs great.

Jeep drivers - hands down - are the worst on the road.

But, what would we know; I drive a VW and my wife had a BMW....;-)

My vote is for those little Asian cars that are customized and have the buzzy exhaust systems. Most of them are really pieces of junk and the drivers all think they are boy racers. They weave in and out of traffic and never seem to get anywhere. Next on my list are those low rider and gangsta wanabes that turn their amps up and shake the ground.

The worst drivers in the World drive VW Jettas.

Since bicycles are now vehicles around here, hands down (or any which way), bikers are the worst drivers.

My vote was for the VW driver, but that's because they are more apt to have the modified exhaust that makes the piece of crap three times louder than it was made to be and the thumping stereo heard from several blocks away. VW people are definitely the most inconsiderate on the whole.

PS I've owned every make mentioned here and have on occasion been an A-hole while driving each one of them so it's not always the car!

it's not always the car!

Actually, it never is. But I can't wait for the next hate-o-rama.

love you Allan

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