
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 11, 2010 7:34 AM. The previous post in this blog was Bring back 20 city employees, to do nothing?. The next post in this blog is Willamette Park pumping station site revealed. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, March 11, 2010

A smaller version of stupid

Yesterday we raised our cyber-eyebrow at the City of Portland's search for a "fiscal agent" who would receive a 7% commission just for handing out grants of city money to "community organizer" groups. The whole concept seemed utterly insane, and we suspected that this contract, which is not new, is designed to flow some tax money to some well placed person's nephew or cousin.

Anyway, noting as we did that the header on the city bid solicitation (pictured above) says it's a $40,000 contract, we assumed that the total amount of grants was $570,000. But as a reader points out and the city has confirmed, the header was misleading. It's not a $40,000 contract -- it's $40,000 of grants, and so the "fiscal agent's" take will be only $2,800.

That's a relief, but the whole thing still stinks to high heaven. Whose "friends and family" are on the receiving end of this pork?

Comments (3)

Metro has a community grants program funded by garbage fees and two people who administer the program. Why doesn't the City just ask Metro to administer its community outreach projects?

Mark Bunster.

Not like he has anything to do at the fire bureau.

I once applied for a job at a state agency and found out later that the "job" was nothing more than a front to funnel money to a well connected (and also well-heeled)local individual. That happens all too often in government and should be stopped.

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