
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 1, 2010 5:25 PM. The previous post in this blog was Who will prune the facade?. The next post in this blog is Has your car been totaled?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, February 1, 2010

She's asking for it

PORTLAND, OREGON - CITY HALL – City Auditor LaVonne Griffin-Valade launched the Fraud Alert line today. The Auditor’s Fraud Alert allows the public and City of Portland employees to report concerns about suspected fraud, waste or misuse of City resources, and abuse of position to a 24/7, centralized tip line. "The Fraud Alert line is one more mechanism for enhancing accountability to the public," Auditor Griffin-Valade said.
"Waste... of City resources"? Sheesh, what's the reward for turning in the whole Portland Development Commission?

Anyway, the phone number is 1-866-342-4148, and the website is www.portlandfraudalert.com.

Comments (9)

"You have 129 new messages. Press 1 to listen to your messages. Press 2 to dele..."


"You have deleted new messages. You have no messages."

Looks like it will be a long night of filing reports for me tonight! Hehehe

If she gets any tips about the PDC she'll call the PDC lawyers and have them check into it. ha ha ha

If I ever heard of any, ANY, acknowledged fraud, waste or misuse of City resources and ANY consequences for the offender I'd say this had a chance of something.

But to date there's never been any such problem recognized or anyone held accountable for anything.

BUT for a suggestion I'd recommend the auditor look into the $6 million the PDC gave OHSU for SoWa parking and air rights and got nothing but an agrement to repay $4 million somehow someday.

And the Strand parking deal where the PDC laundered $6 million to Homer Williams for 100 parking spaces in the SoWa Strand building.

Or the PDC selling of the Holman Building to Group McKenzie for 300K after putting 3 million into it.

God, where do you begin? WHat a throw-away.

What happens if I call in MP and Great Leader and Dear Father Kim Jong Leonard?

How about the city paying a hack consultant to make up a case to justify the Convention Center Hotel?

That's the city institutionlized standard operating procedure to facilitate fraud, waste and misuse of City resources.

The Portland Office of Sustainable Development used fraud, waste and misuse of City resources to craft a phony study to falsely show that city policies had reduced CO2 emissions to 1991 levels.

Self promotion, self preservation and shameless advocacy at various agencies devour enormous sums every year.

How about the fraud line as the first example of waste?

Note its an 866 "toll free" call. That means the recipient pays the service provider per call received.

Last I looked, it wasn't a toll charge to call the city's 503 823 xxxx numbers from anywhere in the city.

So why is the city picking up a charge from the tel co supplier for a call that the vast majority of folks calling will be able to make from their own phones without any additional charge under the "unlimited local service" that callers in the PDX area already have.

I'm so sure that there will be lots of tips on PDX waste coming in to the toll free number from area code 207, where Portland, Maine, is.


I discovered a few years ago that my basic problem in dealing with reality goes back to early childhood.

Back then, I had an abridged version of the Hans Christian Andersen's, "The Emperor's New Clothes," which ended with the child speaking up at the naked emperor, and everyone laughing.

Then, a few years ago, I discovered the original version, in which the child speaks up, but the procession simply goes on.

And now I live in a city where the publisher of the newspaper is a guy by the name of N. Christian Anderson!

I still maintain that David Hasselhoff is a fraud.

Hasselhoff is an iusion, not a fraud.

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