Reader poll: Would you eat this granola bar?
We're looking for some free advice on this one. Trader Joe's has recalled a bunch of its chocolate chip chewy coated granola bars:
Trader Joe's Company of Monrovia, California is voluntarily recalling Trader Joe’s Chocolate Chip Chewy Coated Granola Bars, UPC 82818, Use by Dates/Lot Codes 16JUL10H2 and 17JUL10H1, manufactured by Bloomfield Bakery, a subsidiary of Ralcorp Holdings, Inc. because it has the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella, an organism which can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children, frail or elderly people, and others with weakened immune systems....In our cupboard, we find:The product involved in this recall was distributed at Trader Joe’s stores nationally and comes in a 7.4 oz box marked with Use by/Lot Codes 16JUL10H2 and 17JUL10H1 on the top of the box and stamped individually on the side of each granola bar. Production of the product has been suspended while FDA and Bloomfield Bakery continue their investigation.

Turning it over and looking on the back, we find:

Now, ours doesn't have the same date and markings on it as the recalled lots do, but it's close. Which leads us to the question:
Comments (19)
I would eat it. The lot codes are similar but until you know what the code stands for, the similarity could actually be production dates months apart. Anyway what if you were lost out in the woods, starving and all you had was a couple of the one Jack has in your survival kit? Heck, chances are the ones in the recalled lot don't have Salmonella either. Those bars are really tasty, if anyone who hasn't tried them cares.
Posted by John Benton | February 14, 2010 8:17 AM
Better safe than sorry. Let your pet hamster try it first.
Probably no problem. I worked as a sales engineer in the food packaging industry for about 15 years (amazing what you can do with an M.Phil. in German) and, in general, liability is written in capital letters at most of these food processing plants. They have probably used overkill in the recall so you are probably safe ... probably.
Posted by Gary Barlettano | February 14, 2010 8:26 AM
No, but not for fear of any wee beasties or animalcules having taken up residence in it. (And I have reduced immunity to salmonella.)
I've consumed things that were honey-coated, chocolate-coated, and even sugar-coated but I'll pass on foodstuffs that are "Chewy Coated."
Posted by Old Zeb | February 14, 2010 8:52 AM
Note the bar is produced by Ralcorp subsidiary which means it has origins linking back to Ralston-Purina. Just another quirky, homey, touchy feely product produced outside of the standard corporate food chain. Marketing is wonderful thing.
Posted by Grady Foster | February 14, 2010 9:06 AM
No, but like Old Zeb, not because of salmonella concerns.
I think the date is not as cryptic as most of them (I think it was made the same date, for example) but I also think that, in practice, samples from the lot your bar was made from was highly likely to have been tested because of the proximity to the known bad lots --- ergo, if they say "These two lots are bad," it might well be the case that the lots made at close to the same time are the least likely to be contaminated without anyone knowing it.
In other words, it's like the old joke about mosquitos: The camp counselor tells the kid that only male mosquitoes buzz but it's the female mosquitoes that bite, so don't worry if he hears some buzzing in his tent that night. The kid says "But what if I don't hear anything," and the counselor says "Then you've got a problem."
Posted by George Anonymuncule Seldes | February 14, 2010 9:13 AM
This looks sickly sugary sweet. Steer clear regardless of recall.
Posted by chris | February 14, 2010 9:16 AM
If you have a baseball bat, take the granola bar to the backyard, lay it on a large stone, and hit it with the bat as hard as you can. Then eat it.
Posted by Bill McDonald | February 14, 2010 9:18 AM
I wouldn't eat a granola bar in that packaging regardless of a recall.
Posted by pokey skokey | February 14, 2010 9:24 AM
Cliff bars, all the way!
Posted by Lawrence | February 14, 2010 9:55 AM
Let me think about that for a second...
Hail no!!
Posted by none | February 14, 2010 10:11 AM
They're like $2 a box. Toss them, its not worth it. Besides, their crunchy ones are better.
Posted by Jon | February 14, 2010 10:11 AM
First Dagoba chocolate?
Now chewy chocolate chip granola bars?
Time for you to give up on Trader Joe's.
Posted by Nonny Mouse | February 14, 2010 10:19 AM
No! Don't eat it, Bog family!
Posted by Teletype | February 14, 2010 10:35 AM
No don't eat that!!! stuff.
Make your own. There are lots of receipes on the web. The home made ones are fun to do, especially with kids the age of yours and they are much better for you too!
Posted by portland native | February 14, 2010 12:29 PM
Note the bar is produced by Ralcorp subsidiary which means it has origins linking back to Ralston-Purina.
No, not really. Ralcorp makes human food, and hasn't been part of Ralston-Purina for over 17 years. Purina's now owned by Nestle. Even beforehand, they were only legally, not physically, related. They were part of a holding group. And before that, Ralston strictly made human health food.
If you *really* want some eye-opening corporate info, look at what Nestle owns.
Posted by ecohuman | February 14, 2010 12:41 PM
I think you should send the bar to either Sam Adams or Randy Leonard as a peace gesture.
Posted by Pat | February 14, 2010 3:08 PM
Slightly off topic: has anyone else noticed how quickly Trader Joe's products go bad (as in get moldy)? I've bought cheese that's developed large swaths of mold before being unwrapped. Same for bread. And their jam, salsa and olive tapenade have developed molds in the jars after opening, but while always refrigerated. No, I'm not hanging onto the products for months. Often it has happened in a week or two.
I'm wondering if they have a sanitation problem down in Monrovia, or else some huge variations in the warehouse/delivery truck temperatures.
Posted by Gil Johnson | February 14, 2010 5:24 PM
ecohuman, would you have an update on Nestlé's efforts to convince the people of Cascade Locks that it is in their best interests to allow the company to bottle and truck away a markedly large portion of their water supply, a possibility discussed in this forum last year?
Posted by Gardiner Menefree | February 14, 2010 6:02 PM
Nestlé's efforts to convince the people of Cascade Locks that it is in their best interests to allow the company to bottle and truck away a markedly large portion of their water supply
No deal yet. Nestle's still trying. Opposition is building. It may happen--so everybody can drink those bottles of "Arrowhead" water.
Posted by ecohuman | February 14, 2010 6:58 PM