Rate-a-Nate, All-Star Break Edition

It's time for another Rate-a-Nate, in which our readers grade the performance of the head coach of the Portland Trail Blazers. We've run two of these so far this season -- one at the start, and the other just as the Blazers' string of major injuries was unfolding. In the first poll, Nate drew a 5.4 rating on a scale of 1 to 10; in the second, he had slipped to a 4.9.
Here's your chance to weigh in again on Mr. Sonic's Portland performance. We'll post the results in our left sidebar when he have a decent number of responses:
UPDATE, 12:01 p.m.: With 37 votes cast, Nate's averaging a 6.6 -- quite an improvement over his earlier numbers. Fans must like him better when he's guiding less talent to a respectable performance than when he's coaching an overly deep roster and getting less-than-championship-caliber play.
Comments (3)
Looks like readers' opinion of ol' Nate is rising a bit.
Posted by none | February 13, 2010 1:53 PM
Nate seems to be a great motivator, but he still makes screwy rotation and substitution decisions. The night before Andre Miller went for 52 points, he didn't play at all in the fourth quarter in a close loss to Houston. He stuck with Blake, even though Blake went cold and threw the ball away a few times.
Posted by Gil Johnson | February 13, 2010 9:10 PM
Caught the Clippers game last Tues. Nate rocked. Roy only played a few minutes. How did they do it? All coaching!
Posted by Pete Buick | February 18, 2010 10:50 PM