Planet Earth is blue, and there's nothing Wu can do

One of Portland's congresspeople, David Wu, is fighting the Obama administration's plan to privatize a lot of the national space program and get the government out of (the largely pointless exercise of) sending human beings back to the moon.
''I was against privatization in the Bush administration,'' Representative David Wu, Democrat of Oregon, said at Thursday's session. ''I am against privatization in the Obama administration.''Who cares which language the humans are speaking up in their stinky tin cans? All the interesting work can be done by robots, speaking the universal language, 01010101.Mr. Wu told General Bolden that he doubted there was much profit for commercial companies beyond the NASA business. ''I would encourage the administration and your agency to consider whether this is premature, whether this is wise and whether this dooms us to a future where there are no Americans in space, or at least the dominant language in space is not English,'' Mr. Wu said.
Although I do support sending Wu into orbit, indefinitely.
Comments (25)
Wu is still alive?
Posted by Steve | February 27, 2010 7:23 AM
Wu who?
Posted by Allan L. | February 27, 2010 7:56 AM
Something must be done to distract the public from his wife's earthly home remodelling obsession, and from photos of him driving one of those Mayan-era chariot-trucks/vans/sarcophagi.
Posted by gaye harris | February 27, 2010 8:02 AM
Wu's mailings are the most insultingly phony presentations in the history of congress.
The guy could be cardboard cutout with the same staff and provide as much as he has.
The real Wu is full of crap.
But it won't matter when he runs against a Republican, right?
Posted by Ben | February 27, 2010 8:11 AM
Wu to the Moon!
Posted by Drew G. | February 27, 2010 8:34 AM
Yes, Wu's seat is one of the emptiest in the entire Congress -- even a soft rubber stamp leaves a greater impression.
And, yes, it won't matter when he runs against a Republican unless they throw off their manias and run someone sane, which doesn't seem to be the plan for the Oregon GOP for quite some time now. Because a vote for a Republican anywhere is a vote to put the crowd back in charge who wrecked the country, and tolerating a lightweight nonentity like Wu is far better than letting Boehner and Cantor anywhere near the levers of power again.
Posted by George Anonymuncule Seldes | February 27, 2010 8:35 AM
The west side is Wu Wu land.
Posted by Lawrence | February 27, 2010 9:01 AM
Lawrence -
Not the entire West Side. There are significant chunks of the far SW, east /south of I-5,which are Schrader land.
Posted by Nonny Mouse | February 27, 2010 9:31 AM
There is great progressive Democrat running against Wu in the primary his name is David Robinson. He has great background and would bring real leadership to the 1st Congressional District.
Posted by Ellie | February 27, 2010 10:59 AM
Do any NASA contracts go to suppliers in Wu's district? That may be what this is really about.
Posted by Frank | February 27, 2010 11:00 AM
I am just glad that Representative Wu has an excellent challenger, a Democrat who cares about Oregon, Oregonians, and the issues important to us. Check out David Robinson and his position on the issues at I am ready for Robinson to be my Congressman.
Posted by Chuck | February 27, 2010 11:14 AM
Exactly I vote against Wu in the primary every 2 years, and even though I'm well to Wu's left I might vote for a reasonable moderate Rep if they ran one against him, I'd vote for a competent, reasonable Rep over an incompetent centrist Dem, but given the state of the Oregeon GOP that is never the case, so I hold my nose and vote for Wu in the general every 2 years
maybe this year we can finally primary him out.
Posted by eric k | February 27, 2010 11:51 AM
That post actually made me laugh, I guess it was the last line that did the trick!
Posted by al m | February 27, 2010 12:21 PM
I am looking forward to having a real primary - - - no more Wu. Wu being sent into orbit sounds good to me.
Posted by Louise | February 27, 2010 1:37 PM
Dear WU ,
we only want to hear one thing from you,
----Public Option Now !
Merkley gets it !
NASA should be closed
so the kids can eat ,
teen unemployment is 30%
WU , folks are sleeping in their cars.
Posted by billb | February 27, 2010 2:15 PM
Privatizing the entirety of the space program is almost as bad an idea as militarizing it. My biggest concerns with Wu though are the lack of work product that comes out of his office. His voting record is less problematic than his record initiating legislation and his work in the district. I demand more for my vote as a Democrat and a resident of Wu's district than I am getting right now.
That's why I really appreciate the competent and rigorous candidacy of
As for George's comments about the West Side. You need to get to work improving all aspects of governance on the East Side before pointing fingers bud. Sure we all appreciate Earl B. but otherwise there is a good degree of incompetence that needs to be addressed that we simply do not have in my neck of the woods thanks very much.
Posted by JG | February 27, 2010 2:42 PM
Oops, scratch the reference to George and replace it with Lawrence. My Bad ;)
Posted by JG | February 27, 2010 2:44 PM
Interesting to see so many dropping by to push Robinson. It is nice to see that many are tiring of Wu. He keeps sending taxpayer-paid junk to our house, touting how he "supports American can-do innovation to create jobs". Get real. He doesn't do doodle. As somebody above said, "Wu Who?"
Posted by Max | February 27, 2010 3:29 PM
I thought the universal language was Klingon.
Posted by darrelplant | February 27, 2010 4:07 PM
And the next question is Why Wyden?
Posted by Drew G. | February 27, 2010 4:45 PM
I get the Robinson thing, and it isnt just that he isnt Wu. He knocked on my door the other day and no campaign volunteer more or less the future Congressman himself have ever come to my door to talk to me. He was looking for my wife, an Army vet who is looking for work, but he stayed to talk to me and had all the right things to say.
Posted by Joel | February 27, 2010 6:27 PM
Wu has never ONCE answered any questions I've emailed or called his office about. And yet NOW - with a few months to go and facing a viable opponent in a primary - I keep getting mailers with the disclaimer "paid by taxpayer funds." What a fraud! Get somebody in for the 1st CD who will actually DO something for a change - and that's NOT Wu!
Posted by WomenVote | February 28, 2010 11:00 AM
USed to live in that district, corresponded with WU's staff regularly. I'm still a dem to vote in primaries, and this year ill be voting for David Robinson. Met him briefly, and he's a Naval Academy prof who moved back to Oregon and is now seeking that seat. Great guy, bright, compassionate, and definitely understands the leadership void in Wu's seat.
Posted by Bronch O'Humphrey | March 1, 2010 4:27 PM
I always love when Congresscritters suddenly discover the science fiction fan crowd, as if kissing up to the Cat Piss Men will guarantee them the vote. Well, it works for Republicans from time to time (look at both Bushes suddenly pushing unfunded mandates to Mars right when they're looking at getting the butts kicked in the polls), but a Democrat trying this?
Posted by Texas Triffid Ranch | March 1, 2010 4:30 PM
Well, JG, you are assuming facts not in evidence. My quip about the West side does not automatically put me on the East side. There is, after all, a North side as well. And I might even live,or have lived, in your hallowed haunts. (haunted hallows?)
I quipped that to Wu during a campaign run he made on light rail and he had a hearty laugh.
Posted by Lawrence | March 1, 2010 10:55 PM