
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 25, 2010 6:44 AM. The previous post in this blog was "Attention -- this is Fireman Randy -- this is an emergency". The next post in this blog is Gatsby's tax plan. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Low road leads to Salem

Here's a disturbing statewide story. Oregon prosecutors say they're afraid to speak out on pending bills affecting the criminal justice system, because the meanies in the Legislature have already cut the prosecutors' salaries and might do so again if they express doubt about the legislators' pet bills.

There ought to be a law against reducing salaries of prosecutors, shouldn't there? What if a district attorney were investigating a corrupt legislative leader? The prosecutor shouldn't have to choose between doing his or her job or being forced to default on his or her mortgage.

I guess it would take a constitutional amendment, though, to make sure that never happened. Add it to the list of petitions I'd like to see, I guess.

Comments (4)

OK, let's see legislators afraid of unions, prosecutors afraid of legislators. Makes for a nice circle.

We need to close the circle, with prosecutors the unions are afraid of. In Oregon, not bloody likely.

Do you really believe prosecutors are afraid to speak out? This is politics. Prosecutors have plenty of power and use it in the legislature.

From the story:

"Stiegler recalls the day in July she learned about it from Dugan, her husband: “I remember Mike coming home and saying, 'Do you know you cut my salary? '”

“And I'm like, 'What are you talking about, dude?'” she said.

Rep Stiegler is the DemoRep from Bend, her hubby is the DA.

Two funnies that are too funny:
1- A Democrat that taxes other people, only to find out that the other person is her husband, and then she gets mad about it.

2- A Representative that actually talks like a Valley Girl, if you, like even remember, what like, one talks like.

I was like, Oh My Gosh, when I read that sentence.

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