The tempest

Fireman Randy's decided he's going to reform the Portland police bureau. He says that the thoroughness and transparency of internal investigations into alleged police misconduct should not depend on the "mood" of the bureau.
Agreed, up to a point. But this implies that the bureau is sometimes in the mood to play fair with the public about its mistakes. That rarely, if ever, occurs. The Portland police union seems to have only two moods: arrogant and more belligerent.
More importantly, the Fireman's new crusade is an interesting perspective from a guy who's been on the City Council for what -- seven years? As one cop atrocity after another has gone down with impunity. Why the bee in his bonnet all of a sudden? Can it be... I don't know... a mood swing?
Comments (8)
Obviously, such investigations should depend upon the "mood" of Randy.
Posted by godfry | January 12, 2010 12:02 PM
He's running for mayor.
Posted by jj | January 12, 2010 12:19 PM
His jeans are the secret to reading Randy's moods.
If his jeans are freshly pressed, that means they have just been washed. It also means they are tight and he will be in a bad mood.
"If the jeans are creased, Portland gets fleeced."
Posted by Garage Wine | January 12, 2010 12:22 PM
I thought he wanted to be governor. Is he getting ready to throw his hat in the ring?
Posted by dg | January 12, 2010 12:52 PM
It's par for the course. About two years out from their next election, they start posturing for the next round. You will probably be seeing lots of informational brochures mailed to you soon with Saltzman and Fish's face all over them.
Posted by Robert Collins | January 12, 2010 12:52 PM
Did the City include this "prejudicial" media coverage in the Chasse trial change of venue request? I can just see it now: "The attitude of the citizens of Portland, as reflected by an elected official, ensures that the City cannot get a fair trial here."
Posted by Stanton | January 12, 2010 1:14 PM
That photo perfectly captures the essence of the typical Portland city council meeting.
Posted by none | January 12, 2010 2:13 PM
I think he's still pissed at Sizer for telling he or she walks when he wanted to be Police Comm.
You know how much Randy likes to hear no.
Posted by Steve | January 12, 2010 7:30 PM