
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 9, 2010 5:42 AM. The previous post in this blog was Have a great weekend. The next post in this blog is As seen in the Big Apple. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, January 9, 2010

Seeing me go nowhere

I can't wait until our local constabulary starts using these.

Comments (11)

Great reporting, I really hope if something like this is tested here for PPB the awesome reporters of the Oregonian fish wrapper do as fine a job of keeping us all posted.

Considering PPB's shady past with spying this is not a good thing.

"I'm not ruling anything out" -- in our war on public corruption and white collar crime (laws).

The idea works however without strict citizen controls the Police will run wild just as they have with investigating traffic accident scenes.

As it is now the only checks they have are blank and payable from our bank accounts.

Aside from privacy issues, the company that makes the drones is located near Portland in Stevenson, Washington.

Their web site is really quite interesting. See it at http://www.insitu.com/

Insitu, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of The Boeing Company.

By the way, Insitu has some job openings for engineers and others.

I,ve seen their ads on Craigslist and almost applied.

Ok, for the number two punch:


I know a bit about the capabilities of unmanned drones to track movement on ground, because my brother, a physicist, works for a company that has deployed a very sophisticated drone system over Baghdad.

The capabilities are amazing, and chilling when you consider possible domestic uses. They can literally track the movement of every single vehicle in the city to and from its point of origin. In other words - 24 hours after a crime is committed, it can find where the vehicle came from and returned to after the crime. It could do this for any and every car that traveled that day.

In Baghdad, it is used to track down terrorists who deploy IED's. Fine. But I sure would have heartburn over those things flying over my city.

If it was Brownsville, I would think border patrol, but Houston?
Clearly a stealth privacy invader.


I'm gonna add to my gun collection immediately.

This stuff is getting serious, the militia movement turned out to be correct!

I've rigged by radio-controlled helicopter with a video camera, works great. The electric motors and the camera batteries are rechargeable- I'm GREEN!

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