Reader poll: Which realtor in the 'Couv should Phil Knight use?

Now that Measure 66 has passed, we can all expect Phil Knight to make good on his suggestion that he will move out of Oregon in reaction to the retroactive tax increase imposed on him. What is not clear, however, is whom he is going to engage as his realtor in Clark County. Knowing how busy Knight is, what with controlling the U of O and all, we did a little internet research on his behalf last night, and we came up with five candidates who seem worthy of his consideration. Here they are:
1. Kathryn Alexander. "Please feel free to set up your own 'Home Finder' account to look around and see what's available currently! If you ever have questions or want MORE information or pictures, just e-mail me and I will get you more information and many times, more pictures as well."
2. Mark and Janice Hall. "What if you have a question about Vancouver real estate that is not answered on this Website? Simply visit the Frequently Asked Question section and send your question to us via Email."
3. Crystal Boldt. "Whether you are looking to buy or sell, you've come to the right place - even if you are just looking - I'm here to help."
4. Scott Mikel. "It is human nature to want to wait until the local housing market 'hits bottom' before buying. . . but think. When will you know it has 'hit bottom?' You will know when it starts going up. It’s hard to believe it will get much better than this."
5. Elaine Armstrong. "Over 25 years in Clark County real estate and her knowledge of today's market will give you maximum experience in buying or selling your next home. Her experience, honesty and forthright direct approach, is refreshing in today's climate."
So, which one do you think Phil should call? Please explain your pick in the comments below.
Comments (22)
So, will Mark Hemstreet finally beat feet? (Or has he already?)
Maybe Loren Parks wants a roommate? [shudder]
Posted by Old Zeb | January 27, 2010 5:48 AM
I can't imagine he'll move to Vancouver. As is often said, "The problem with living in Vancouver, is that you have to live in Vancouver."
On the other hand, I voted for the husband wife team.
Posted by Justin | January 27, 2010 6:08 AM
I voted for Crystal Boldt because, with that name, she's probably related to Marc Boldt, one of the GOP quadruplicate known as "Three Nuts and a Boldt," which means she'd be probably be attuned to all of a rich persons needs.
Posted by George Anonymuncule Seldes | January 27, 2010 6:43 AM
Wrong company. Wrong city. Try Reno, Austin and investigate small businesses moves.
Posted by David E Gilmore | January 27, 2010 6:55 AM
Ha, ha, ha; I think!
Posted by cros | January 27, 2010 7:21 AM
I checked off Kathryn Alexander. Figured with the Tiger Woods connection Phil Knight would be looking for a Kat House.
Posted by Grady Foster | January 27, 2010 7:35 AM
I think those realtors would focus better on people who are moving from out of state and prefer to live in Vancouver instead of Portland.
Posted by Steve | January 27, 2010 7:41 AM
You have to realize that Mr. Knight will want to live in an exclusive area of Clark County. He'll want to be helped by someone who is also a celebrity. The best person to show him all the high-end housing? - Tony Harding, of course.
Posted by Pat | January 27, 2010 8:43 AM
Loren Parks brought us the only progressive legislation to ease the suffering of the dying, ever, in the US. For this he is a true American hero, I will defend him to the death, no pun intended. Could care less that he is has since become somewhat senescent and let someone like Sizemore, who can't write the English language or think his way out of a paper bag, dream and draw up a bunch of doomed-at-the-gate ballot measures.
Crystal Boldt is the clear choice, due to her name, which is so fitting, having to do with riches, clarity, light, and running shoes.
Posted by gaye harris | January 27, 2010 9:06 AM
I voted for Scott Mikel because his car has its own blog:
Posted by ConcordBridge | January 27, 2010 10:22 AM
I can't believe you didn't take time to post the realtor's cheesey headshots next to their names. You know they all have them on their website & business cards...
Posted by jfwells | January 27, 2010 10:59 AM
Phil should simply buy Camas.
Posted by NW Portlander | January 27, 2010 11:32 AM
jfwells has a point. Note to realtors: your soft-focus 'glamor shot' in a sparkly,sequin top and dangly earrings is spectacularly inappropriate for your business card and RMLS listings....
Posted by RANZ | January 27, 2010 11:37 AM
This is hysterial! My hubby (also a realtor) found it and alerted me to it. Please do check out my website, just a snap shot, no "unrecognizable high school" picture or glamour shot and I only have a RE/MAX balloon on my business card. But love the comments, you guys are funny! And yes, if Mr. Knight wants to move to Vancouver, I would love to help him!
Posted by Kathryn Alexander, Realtor | January 27, 2010 1:16 PM
Whoever Mr. Knight chooses, he won't be a trailblazer as others such as Mr. Kuni ( have $uccessfully moved themselves AND their headquarters to the Evergreen State side of the Columbia River years in advance of Measure 66.
Although we very much welcome newcomers to Washington, we also want and need Oregon to be healthy financially as well.
Will Mr. Knight Just Do It?
Posted by John Slocum, Vancouver WA | January 27, 2010 3:07 PM
It's unfortunate that people willingly move to such a craphole like Vancouver. I have to admit it does have the nicest strip malls in all of Southern Washington.
I understand why they do it, at least, unlike some elitists. It also might be worthy to note that the 'Couv's and Clark Co.'s unemployment is considerably larger than the Tri-county area, as in 3+ percentage points last time I checked.
Anyone who thinks Vancouver would grow in a vacuum has to be crazy. Growth in Vancouver is mostly due to its proximity to Portland. Nobody looks at Vancouver alone in their deciding factor to move there. Amenities in Portland certainly play a force.
Posted by ws | January 27, 2010 3:40 PM
ws - not to mention the duty-free, er, tax-free shopping available in Or-E-Gon.
Posted by umpire | January 27, 2010 4:41 PM
I know a no sales tax is good boon for certain businesses in Oregon, but Oregon needs to step away from the throttle on the income tax! A low, 3% income tax with a low sales tax is so much more preferable than a no sales tax and a very high income tax.
Anyways, Oregonians just elected a sales tax on certain corporations, anyways. Oregonians like to brag that we shut down a sales tax vote 9 times, but we just elected for one last night, in essence (gross receipts tax on c-corps and some s-corps, too).
There is no panacea for lost tax revenues in a recession, but when people aren't working they're not doing much for Oregon's coffers. People still buy stuff in a recession, and at least might add something to keep the lights on for Gov't, instead of nothing.
I'm just curious when the State finds out that projected tax receipts are low to the state after 2013 (when some of the more onerous rates drop), what they are going to do to get more tax dollars into the Gov't then?
Posted by ws | January 27, 2010 5:17 PM
Now this is great, when all the Oregon businesses move to Vancouver we will not need to replace the Interstate Bridge saving billions.
Posted by John W. | January 27, 2010 5:30 PM
We previously cashed out our bubble inflated Irvington home and are now renting a better pad for less in the same neighborhood. Why? We love the convenience of close in PDX but you must be on crack if you think that we are going to buy back into this overpriced market. Not to mention the quality of city/county services have been declining. No really city of Portland we loved the burglary at our home, the quarterly car prowls and the 30 to 1 student to teacher ratio for kindergarten aged kids. Who can't see the writing on the wall that we in the middle of a severe recession? Really, we raise taxes on small business now? The plan is to be ready to beat feet if the state/county/city gets retarded and doesn't cut expenses like our household/business has. With all the that I've read on this blog I don't see how the city/state is a good steward of my tax dollars.
We love the city/state for the convenience but it is so poorly run that rural Clark county is looking better and better. The Shenks may Just Do It too...
An 8% automatic income savings with tax free shopping 30 minutes away? That buys a lot hotel rooms in PDX when we want a night of fine dining and culture.
Posted by Shenk | January 27, 2010 9:42 PM
I voted for Scott Mikel. I know him as a neighbor and as a friend. He has been in the Real Estate business for many years along side his wife, Sami, and knows Clark County very well. Scott is a successful business man with high moral and ethnical values as well as a warm personality. Good luck Scott and Congrats to making this poll!
Posted by lisa | January 28, 2010 8:58 AM
He should just build a island off the Oregon coast shaped like a the Starchitects in Dubai do.
Posted by conspiracyzach | January 28, 2010 6:53 PM