
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 7, 2010 2:16 AM. The previous post in this blog was What's the frequency, Kenneth?. The next post in this blog is What was Portland's Top Word of 2009?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Question of the Day

If this guy's name had been Abdul Muhammad, do you think they would have sent him home to Salem with a pat on the head?

Comments (15)



What is his name, Randy Leonard?

The part where passengers were told not to talk to one another is the most significiant. It reminds us that the U.S. Constitution does not apply if you fly. Of course they cannot enforce that but most of us are in fear of law enforcement authorities.

If his name was Abdul they wouldn't even have detected the bag on his lap.

Or Thompson, IL, take your pick.

most of us are in fear of law enforcement authorities.

Really? Why? What are "most" people doing that would make them fear law enforcement?

At least, according to the news report, the flight was turned around "in mid-air". That's better than any alternative I can think of for turning around at that point. But what's the fighter escort all about? Someone to shoot the plane down if passengers talk to one another?

He may not be charged with a crime yet, but I'm sure he is about to get a huge bill from Hawaiian Airlines. It is well to remember that the captain's word is law. Literally. If the captain says return to your seat and put away your carry on you should do it. Previous cases of passenger's unruliness where the captain was forced to change course or land have resulted in 100% of the liability for the cost to the airline and the other passengers falling on that passenger. I'm guessing his bill is currently in the $50-$100k range right now. Legal fees will be on top of that. He will probably also lose the right to fly.

What is his name?

It was probably just another butthead who was unwilling to follow the airline guidelines about carry-ons...and he couldn't stow his carry-on because it would not fit.

I've seen this all too frequently on the flights I've been on. I suggested to one fellow that his 'carry-on' was clearly a violation and he flipped me off. I was hoping they'd throw his ass off...

So, Godfry, you're thinking this person came on board an hour or so out of PDX? Brilliant.

Gov. Ted Kulongoski commended all involved in the safe landing of the plane.

Wow! Ted was awake on this one!

You GO Teddy!!!

Teddy is an afterthought.

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