Do as we say, not as we do
One of our crankier readers wonders if the City of Portland is violating its own sign ordinance by draping this monstrosity across the entrance to City Hall:

One of our crankier readers wonders if the City of Portland is violating its own sign ordinance by draping this monstrosity across the entrance to City Hall:
Comments (9)
That's a real beauty. It just screams "we are bush league." Way to go City Hall.
Posted by dg | January 5, 2010 11:42 AM
Choose local. Yeah right. How many contracts does the City have with out-of-state firms?
Posted by Garage Wine | January 5, 2010 11:57 AM
Choose local what? Why? How about choose best price/value?
Posted by Dean | January 5, 2010 1:01 PM
Yes, it is a violation of it's own code.
Posted by godfry | January 5, 2010 4:20 PM
The stupidest part is that when you call that number, you get a general information desk, and the person answering the phone has no idea what the banner is about.
Posted by Jack Bog | January 5, 2010 5:04 PM
I want some duct tape with the same content as the banner. (Or perhaps with just "The Golden Rule" repeated over and over.)
Nothing demonstrates the requirement that government must be content-neutral better than presuming that the content makes this offense perfectly OK. Rhetorically, who could possibly object?
Posted by pdxnag | January 5, 2010 5:48 PM
"...presuming that the content makes this offense perfectly OK." Yes, just like our "non-profit" neighbor. Violations are ok - for a good cause. Or our landlord who hangs signs in the trees for his sporting goods store, saying it won't hurt anyone. (Just the drivers who are lost and driving against the one-way.) Signs in city trees really confuse the bureaus as to who enforces that one. Is it BDS, PDoT, or Parks (Forestry)?
Don't worry about the City Hall banner - it might get looked at in 8 months by the BDS.
Posted by Ben | January 5, 2010 6:06 PM
I still miss this one (NSFW).
Posted by Jack Bog | January 5, 2010 6:16 PM
We could get some ad revenue if we let the Lottery Division hang a banner reading: "We Do Good Things."
Posted by pdxnag | January 5, 2010 7:05 PM