
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 19, 2009 6:23 PM. The previous post in this blog was "More rapid than WES, his courses they came". The next post in this blog is The gutter guy. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Three for the 'dog tonight

Three players are going with the Dallas Cowboys tonight in our charity pro football underdog pool -- Annie, George, and Rick. Nobody picked the Jaguars on Thursday night (a good non-call, as they say), and so the other 17 players are hoping for victory tomorrow or Monday.

At the moment, Dallas is winning, 14-3, and thus it's looking good for tonight's trio.

UPDATE, 8:30 p.m.: And they win, for 7 points. Rick rockets into second place, just 1½ behind our leader, Doug; Annie finally gets on the board; and George hurdles over several competitors. Congrats to the three of them!

Comments (2)

That game was very unsettling to an Eagles fan like me. With the exception of the Cowboys field goal kicker, the team earned the high ground of victory.
If this plays out right, that Dallas-Philly game on the last day of the regular season will be epic.
There was also a weather-related tragedy back East. The Eagles were going to play on TV here at 10 but they moved the game to 1:15 our time due to the snowstorm.
That slot is already taken by the Seattle/Tampa game and even though we're in a different state, we have to get the sorry Seahawks.
So, after looking forward to watching the Eagles play tomorrow, who is the real victim of the bad weather back East? That's right...me.

Somebody ought to nuke the Seahawks. They're a waste of a good football slot. Why Portland stations continue to air that shinola is beyond me. There are so many other games that would get better ratings.

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