
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 30, 2009 10:44 AM. The previous post in this blog was Snowpocalypse hangs on. The next post in this blog is Paulson stadium deal -- on the sneak?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Start making sense

Think Portland would ever consider buying some of this? I doubt it -- after all, it actually works.

Comments (8)

I works and is safe for the environment! No way in hell CoP would ever consider such a thing. They are only interested in eviro friendly products that don't work.

Amazing product.

McDonald's take on this should be worth framing and hanging on the wall.

The operating word here is "salt". Growing up in Chicago and seeing what salt does to auto bodies, I would have to know more before using it. Is it rally a salt? (an ionic compound produced by reacting an acid with a base.)

Not much information here... Distributor pitches "magic" solution. That's new! I note that it is brown. No mention of cost, environmental consequences, etc. Good product or snake oil, hard to tell. How about availability? What is annual volume available. Perhaps we should all just drink more vodka.

If LLP isn't selling it the CoP will not be buying.

Lawrence, there's a big difference between Chicago, where they use salt all winter long, and the 1 or 2 applications that would be necessary here in Portland. I think it's damn near criminal that the city doesn't salt, at the very least, the 5-6 known trouble spots. Sylvan Hill, the I-84/I-5 ramps, the I-84/I-205 ramps, etc.

For Pete's sake, doing that once or twice a year is NOT going to destroy cars. What does destroy cars is sliding across lanes into medians and other cars.

For Pete's sake, doing that once or twice a year is NOT going to destroy cars.

C'mon, they dont give a rip about our cars.
If they though salting the roads would keep people off the roads for fear of corrosion damage, the roads here would be covered with salt year round.

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