
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 18, 2009 11:14 AM. The previous post in this blog was It's got to be a hoax. The next post in this blog is The fire down below. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, December 18, 2009

Emerald City shakedown

Portland wouldn't sink this low -- would it?

Comments (9)

Portland really doesn't give a crap about the handicapped as opposed to bicycles. PDOT would most likely restrict vehicle lanes and put up bike racks for two continuous blocks.

No, we just hand out a little handicapped mirror sign to everyone who claims to have a cough and they can park wherever they want.

By "Portland", are we talking about the city doing the same thing? Or the people bitching about too many handicapped spaces?

Anybody notice the number of people who claim to have service dogs? Especially riding on Trimet? Some of those service dogs are Pit Bulls... abuse of services happens.. now people can get handicapped spaces saved in front of their homes... Ive seen people get of out of cars that had no sign of impairment but somehow they were able to qualify as being handicapped...I knew a person who had polio and walked with a limp.. he never used the handicap services available to him.. he didn't want to be thought of as handicapped...

People rarely have to prove their dog or animal is a service dog, but they have to be treated the same way as a blind person with a seeing eye dog, which is a legitimate usage of the term, service animal...

LOL. I think I will take my 170lb St. Bernard with me next time I check into the Heathman. She is a service dog too.
(And by that I mean she brings me my slippers)

I love how someone needs a special disabled spot in front of Macy's. Yet, somehow they then manage to walk the entire mall for hours...

I was back in northern Illinois recently.. I drove their on those socialist highways.. used the socialist rest stops too.. fortunately I didn't have to use the capitalist highways known as tollways... but I digress..

Anyway, while back there, my brother pointed out the latest usage of parking spaces for people with special needs.. they have special parking places for pregnant woman at some grocery stores... My brother pointed out someone using that space that just looked fat, but who's going to go up and ask her if she's pregnant...

Well it is politically correct Seattle.

Portland is catching up quickly.

I think what is being pointed out is the stealth redesignation of these spaces as for handicapped, so they can ticket people who park there. A revenue generating device. Would Portland do that too? Do we even need to ask?

As for who should be able to park in handicapped spots I believe it ought to be limited to people in wheelchairs.

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