Wheeler takes a spill

Multnomah County Chair Ted Wheeler reports on Twitter that he had a pretty serious skiing accident today: "broken back (2 disks), broken shoulder, slight facial lacerations... Full recovery expected. Don't worry." Yuck. [Via the Trib.]
UPDATE, 4:23 p.m.: It's contagious! Out on an afternoon jog, daydreaming about what kind of holiday season Ted's going to have, I managed to overlook a mesh bag of bark chips strategically placed near a storm drain to block fallen leaves. Bam! Next thing I know, I'm on all fours, letting loose a loud old-man yelp. Fortunately, the four-point landing drew but a mild road rash. Ask me for the final verdict in 48 hours, though.
Comments (4)
Best wishes to Mr Wheeler - in sympathy as an athlete who has endured a life-changing injury AND as a citizen who thinks he's the brightest light in our local political arena. Get well Ted!
Posted by NoPo | November 29, 2009 7:47 PM
Umm? I took a rare spill on the slopes today myself.
Bottom of Jeff Flood/Timberline, it was as if my left ski came off and slam.
Shaken, not injured stayed out till closing.
Impacts like that at 55 can be scary.
When I first hit, with my head slamming pretty good and left arm jarred I thought uh oh. But nothing.
Best of luck for Ted and our host.
Posted by Ben | November 29, 2009 8:43 PM
Probably smart if all three of us stay away from heavy machinery for awhile...
Posted by Katrina Wheeler | November 30, 2009 9:54 PM
oops that wasnt katrina posting that was me...sometimes we share the same laptop...Ted
Posted by Ted Wheeler | November 30, 2009 9:55 PM