
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 3, 2009 8:32 PM. The previous post in this blog was Drums keep poundin' rhythm to the brain. The next post in this blog is Credit union deposit insurance still taking a beating. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Third 'dog night

It's time for another week of trying to figure out American pro football. Two weeks into our charity underdog pool, we have 11 players with points -- more than half the participants. And they'll be poring over this list of underdogs (in caps) to see which one can win its game outright, without the benefit of the point spread. The spread is relevant only in that it determines how many points the pool players get if they're right:

14 CAROLINA at New Orleans
10.5 MIAMI at New England
10.5 TAMPA BAY vs. Green Bay
10 DETROIT at Seattle
10 WASHINGTON at Atlanta
9 HOUSTON at Indianapolis
6.5 KANSAS CITY at Jacksonville
5.5 TENNESSEE at San Francisco
3.5 SAN DIEGO at NY Giants
3 ARIZONA at Chicago
3 CINCINNATI vs. Baltimore
3 DALLAS at Philadelphia
3 DENVER vs. Pittsburgh

On the administrative side, the charitable contribution that we'll be making when the playoffs are over now totals $420, which will be divvied up $300 for first, $75 for second, and $45 for third. And bragging rights among our players? Priceless.

Even if you're not formally playing, you may have an opinion about which of the 'dogs is this week's best bet. Don't be shy, now.

Comments (20)

Boy, my crystal ball is very cloudy this week -- keeps saying "Ask Again Later."

But for now I see Denver as the most likely upset up there. So to make sure I don't fail to pick on, I'll pick Denver ...

Remember the Titans? I do. Give me Tennessee to beat San Francisco.

Not ready to pick yet, but on the Dog theme, thought I would share this gem from the 6th circuit (courtesy of howappealing.law.com) http://www.ca6.uscourts.gov/opinions.pdf/09a0383p-06.pdf.

And ... wow. Denver is the underdog in Denver?

On the safer side I'm liking Arizona over Chicago and Cincinnati over Baltimore. My high-point what-the-heck-take-a-risk game would be Miami at New England.

For low percentage big points, I like Miami over New England. For a more realistic risk/return proposition, Kansas City over Jacksonville has potential. If my risk tolerance declines further, I'll be looking hard at Arizona and Denver.

I'll take Detroit this week. I'm starting to think that playing the small point games can't work in the long run. Even if you win each week, you lose 7 points to anyone who picks a 10 point winner. If someone wins a 10 point game twice then you need 7 3-point winners to beat their two wins. There are only 9 games left in the season. And when you look at the 3-point games they seem like just as much of a coin-flip as the higher point games.

How about players disclosing the charity that they are playing for - if you want to? It would be kind of interesting to see the mix of organizations that we are going to support. Not binding of course, just for fun. Plus it will introduce other blog reader's to some deserving organizations that they might not otherwise think about.

I'm playing for the Community Cycling Center in Portland. Working to provide bikes to kids.


Since jmh, inc. is not a registered 501(c)3, I am playing for Water Watch of Oregon. They protect and restore flows in our rivers to sustain the native fish, wildlife, and the people who depend on healthy rivers.

The only 2 with any chance at all are Denver and Dallas (I don't really think Dallas will win in Philly).

I am going to take DETROIT because Lions can obviously beat Seahawks. In fact, what is a Seahawk?

I am playing for the Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity. In case any of your are wondering Asheville is known as the Paris of western North Carolina, although not by anyone who has ever been to Paris France.

I'm playing for the Glory Hole Homeless Shelter here in Juneau. Some of my favorite clients stay there.

PS - looking forward to Indianapolis losing this weekend.

As a Bears fan, who lived in Indiana for 7 years, I enjoy anytime the Colts lose, but especially after Superbowl XLI. That was the year the Bears defense, Devin Hester, and Dennis Green did this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYoApt68uhg&feature=player_embedded

I'll take Detroit. Seattle was bad to begin with, losing several key players hasn't really improved their chances of winning on "any given Sunday."

I'll take Miami

Tennessee is my dog this week and genop's mom has selected Houston from the pound. I might begin to ponder a charity once I achieve a victory. Finding a winning dog in the pack is a tad more difficult than I thought. In the meantime my thoughts are directed toward preserving my dignity as a sports afficianatto.

I'm going to take Tennessee. Still not sure about my charity of choice...I'm going to give it some more thought.

Nothing is certain but death and Texans rounding up the Colts. Put me down for Houston this week. My charity is the Clackamas Service Center, a great organization that provides emergency food, clothing and other services for the needy.

Matt Schaub is a UVA grad. Good enough for me. Houston please.

My charity of choice is Albertina Kerr Centers, a 100 year old social service agency in Portland that supports people with mental health challenges and developmental disabilities. I've been a volunteer for a few years.

My theory is that I'd be getting ahead of myself if I were to think about any charities who would benefit from any largess I was able to swing their way. In chess the rule is play the game, don't think about the result or the standings. I do better when I follow the rule.

I've got half a dozen groups listed in my will. Seems likely that one or more of those might wind up with something if I'm given a say in where the pot goes -- but there's a lot of upsets to pick before that could happen.

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