
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 18, 2009 3:31 PM. The previous post in this blog was City tries out new lie in Chasse case. The next post in this blog is Portland dusting off the plastic for another binge. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Shunned by BlueOregon

It took a couple of months for me to notice, but I see that I'm no longer blue enough to be listed as a "Lefty Blog" by the boys and girls over at BlueOregon. Apparently I was defrocked on September 14.

Was it something I said?

Oh, well. Those of you who go over there regularly, please do let me know when things worth reading show up on that site. It's kind of like the Merc -- I can't bring myself to check it too often.

Comments (42)

The fact that they don't like you is why I read you daily.

Kari Chisholm would occasionally post a comment here, wouldn't he? Wonder what happened for him to make you a persona non grata on his site . . .

Wonder what happened for him to make you a persona non grata on his site . . .

Jack probably disagreed with him

I imagine that your failing to kow-tow to the proper Blue Oregon heroes (Sam & Randy) makes you problematic there --

But you can take heart from what FDR said, "They are unanimous in their hate for me‹and I welcome their hatred." You only get flak if you're over the target.

Hmmm... one of my blogs got dumped, too, perhaps after I got a few laughs at Kari's and Torridjoe's expense.... Or maybe I'm too left for them.

(Or perhaps there's a glitch in their aggregation software. Probably the most likely explanation.)

foo on other shoot.

Perhaps you have been too accurate about the alleged and divisive mayor of our city: he has been and will continue to be the rotund Mr Chisholm's meal ticket.

Jack - maybe you just email Kari and see what's going on? It's probably a software glitch.

It's not hard to be too left for them. Until Obama started getting called a socialist every day by the likes of Glenn Beck, there was one guy over there who's a Democratic committeeman who would go off on rants about how those of us he disagreed with were nothing better than European-style socialists. That seems to have tapered off.

Nowadays they have to denounce people they dislike as Bogdanskyites.

Jack poops in the punchbowl of elite opinion in this town by goring sacred cows and mocking the foibles and groupthink of the city's elected and self-appointed leaders. Because said leaders at this current time are overwhelmingly liberal/progressive, folks tend to think he's a tighty-righty, which anyone who's read him long enough knows is clearly not the case.

I mean, he supported John Edwards (pre-Rielle Hunter)for gawdsake!

If by "worth reading" you mean "hilarious," check out Chisholm's excuse for Kulongoski having deliberately lowballed the cost of Business Energy Tax Credits:

"Of course, we shouldn't be surprised that Kulongoski has stuck to his guns on it [BETC]. After all, it was the centerpiece of his reelection campaign. He's keeping the promises he made to the voters."

Careful, Fred, Myranda's gonna get ya! ;)

Smells like Mark Wiener to me.

I think the problem is not Kari, who sees that I am blue on national matters. It's guys like Chuck Sheketoff and Charlie Burr, both of whom have no use for me over local issues. Whatever.

I'm not sure Kari had anything to do with it.

He designs blue oregon but he speaks only for himself.


Seriously though there is a lot of worship at BO for things Jack (justifiably)attacks, like the soccer boondoggle,all the "planning" BS (eg subdividing nice lots in SE PDX into three lots for snout houses and condos), Randy Leonard etc.

Being delisted by Blue Oregon is a sure sign that you actually think for yourself. This is the greatest crime in Groupthink City, where we "keep it weird" as long as your definition of weird is precisely like everyone else's definition.

You should wear this like a badge of honor.

I was one of the founding authors of BlueOregon, but I bailed pretty quickly when I saw what it was going to turn into.


"Defrocked" is it?

I'm not surprised.

You'll go blind.

Don't worry, though - I hear Joe Biden likes a leash.

BlueOregon represents the worst that the Democrat party has to offer - rabid far-left elitism. They have drunk deeply from the Oregon unionist, envrionazi koolaid. But it's often a humorous read.

I'm certainly amused at you people and your definition of "far-left".

You've been imbibing at those Tea Parties way too much if you think Blue Oregon is "far-left". Elitist, yes...but they can't even climb into the same teacup with Trotsky or Mao. I suspect that those who typify BO types as "far-left" are standing so far over to the right as to be fascists.

BlueOregon and Kari is the poster and child to epitomize getting burrowed in like a tic under the skin of the body politick, dependent parasite (like LIARS Larson) on the 2-party host and its imagery 'names' staying in place exactly as it is. That is to say, such parasites depend on the incumbents staying in office and keeping progress out; not only are they not representing people's interests, they aim to program We the People so dumb that nobody has interests ... at least, no disallowed interests.

Toss those sorts of politicos aside and soon the bus runs over them.

Kiss of political death: Candidate website by Mandate Mediocre, endorsed by LIARS.

I don't know Chuck Sheketoff that well, but he seems to stake out position similar to yours, Jack. Such as on BETC. I do know Charlie Burr and he impresses me as being more tolerant of divergent viewpoints than Kari.

This is the mission statement of Blue Oregon which is still up on their web site:

It'll be progressive; it'll be smart; it'll be funny; it'll be compelling; it'll be provocative; it'll be unpredictable. It'll be political, but not narrowly so. It'll be a free-ranging social and cultural critique. It'll be by Oregonians and for Oregonians, but not always about Oregon. Above all else, BlueOregon will not be boring.

As anyone who goes over to Blue Oregon knows, it has completely lost its mission, and that's mostly due to Kari, who is the most active host.

You're too much "is" and not enough "if" for them at BO. Facts and critical thinking make him break out in a rash.

Besides do you really want to be on a blog where they give breathless accounts of Earl's tweets or Merkley's day?

I have had little or no contact with the BlueOregon blog itself for a long time. I rarely comment there, and read the headlines only infrequently. But they have cut me out of the Lefty Blog feed, which does draw some readership.

Blue Oregon is not anything near "far-left" or truly progressive, though the hydrophobic-like symptoms of its denizens, while not truly rabid, certainly manifest anxiety, confusion, excitation, hallucinations, agitation, hypersalivation, etc., etc. And death of independent thought processes usually occurs within days of the onset of symptoms. See http://www.cdc.gov/rabies/about.html

I quit even thinking of that website long ago, unless I want to do a peek-a-boo to check in on that circle of mainstream D-Portland rah-rahs and chorus-liners. Ho hum. And with their heavy-handed, intolerant socio-political censorship practices within that MS Demos 'netscene, they probably should rename it BlueNoseOregon or BlueRinseOregon.

Meanwhile, consider this Jack, in regard to being apparently de-listed by the viziers at BO:

“Controversy is only dreaded by the advocates of error” -- Benjamin Rush

American physician and political leader, member of the Continental Congress and signer of the Declaration of Independence. (1746 - 1814)

Lets see, mixing Blue with Red makes Purple, right?

Smurf turf is all it is.

Oh let's just get to it.
BO is, of course, the far left of Oregon and is still trotting further left.
They defend every action by the Oregon establishment and white wash every misstep and scandal.

Jack is more of a Marc Abrams regular Democrat who also happens to sway far from the plantation on many local issues.

Neither Jack or Marc are trotting to the left so they'll be viewed increasingly unacceptable by the BO regime as this next election cycle unfolds.

Next thing you know progressive BO will be calling these moderate liberals Lieberman names.


I don't think BO controls the LeftyBlog feed. I know my own blog had a problem with RSS working correctly with LeftyBlogs for quite some time, and then bam! it just started working.

So I don't think there's anything deliberate on the BO, it's just that LeftyBlogs is having a problem with the feed. Of course, I could be entirely wrong here.

It's possible that this is just a technical problem, but my feed is o.k., and it's been two months since I've been in Lefty Blogs.

And no, Lefty Blogs is indeed controlled by Kari Chisholm, the same guy who runs BlueOregon.

Heh heh heh... BlueOregon "far left." What the hell does that make me?

Jack, you're not on their Oregon blogroll anymore, and neither is one of my two blogs.

The other remains, and I get regular traffic from it.

I wouldn't be surprised if it's technical... most Mandate Media Web sites are full of validation errors, and LeftyBlogs looks like a home-built aggregator. Maybe it hit a certain limit of feeds and started randomly dropping some, or maybe they pruned the list manually.

No great lost to you, really, since you've probably driven more traffic to their sites today than they drove to your site in any given month. Too bad Kari doesn't publish his traffic for BO...

You can get some idea of the traffic here, I think.

Hilarious... Portland prog blog* traffic rankings (with page views per week), according to Blogads:

1. WWeek (135,567)
2. BoJack (44,981)
3. BlueOregon (36,103)
8. Loaded Orygun (2,514)

No wonder Chisholm (and Bunster) have it in for you!

*only includes sites that use Blogads and are members of their "Oregon Progressives Ad Network."

In re: BETC

While it may or may not be a good thing, Sanyo did cite it as a MAJOR factor in their opening a solar plant in Salem. 100 good paying jobs now and 280 total.

Where's planning commission member Chris Smith's PortlandTransport come in?

In re: Sanyo
According to the Oregonian, the plant costs $80 million, of which the state put up more than half -- $45 million. State subsidies total $225,000 per job if the company employs the number promised -- 200, not 280. If that sounds like a good deal for Oregon, I have an energy tax credit I'd like to sell you

@Ben: PortlandTransport shows up with around 7,500 page views a week, according to Sitemeter.

@Fred: man, that $45 million we gave to Sanyo would pay for a lot more than 200 teachers. More than 450, by my rough calculation.

Oh no, Blueboredom is my favorite....when I feel like being tortured.

Perhaps, for the weekend, you can locate a video of Phil Ochs singing:

"Love me, love me, love me, I'm a liberal
(And that's why I'm turning you in.)"

Dedicate it to Mr Chisholm.

Hey Jack,

Scroll down. You are there, under Jack Bog.


I have been banned under more Pseudonmys and IP Addys at B/O than any other site. I don't even bother to read them anymore, unless I'm at the library.

Glad to see Tenksey posting: it's been too long.

I was afraid he'd OD'd.

Must be that Blue Oregon no longer allows Birthers on their site. You know, the people who believe Obama wasn't born in the U.S., or that Sarah Palin didn't give birth to Trig.

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