
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 23, 2009 2:53 PM. The previous post in this blog was Better view of a distraction. The next post in this blog is Mowing the weeds. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, November 23, 2009

Macho man

We've talked for a while about Fireman Randy needing an intervention. The need seems to be growing more intense by the week.

Comments (17)

Next thing you know, he'll be policing the MAX stations and water reservoirs with his own LTL shotgun and bean bags.

Didn't he take a disability pension? If he was up on the roof, how disabled could he be?

Weird, it's almost like he's baiting the bear trying to spoil for a fight - With who?

You tell me what's driving him? Boredom? The onset of old age and raging against the darkness (or whatever Sandburg said)?

I think you mean Dylan Thomas, "Do not go gentle into that good night, rage rage against the dieing of the light..."

Sounds like he gave Darwin a fastball on the outside corner, resulting in a swing and a miss.

The count is 1 and 0. If Randy is decompensating, the next one will hang in the sweet spot.

Hmmmm... I think I'm sensing a pattern here -

lifting weights... flying into rages with people... aggresively bullying others... jumping into ridiculous stunts to prove his manhood...

Nah, don't intervene. I'd rather have him out running calls with the fire dept than hanging around city hall cooking up crooked deals and selling out the city...

He looks as he is more need of a transfusion than an intervention.

Sounds like Randy has been watching too many Dirty Harry movies. Can we expect him to intervene in the next hostage situation or standoff?

This was a perfect photo op! Of course he was going to be up there.

He's a guy who thinks he's above the law, or at least above the rules. Scary.

There should be a YouTube of that fire stunt to go with his "Sam's Not Gay" and "Candidates Gone Wild" class act videos.

"Sounds like Randy has been watching too many Dirty Harry movies."

The new direct to DVD Randy 6 was being filmed. Sammy helped him create the back story.

In it a washed up PFF tries to recreate the glory days when everyone at the station looked forward to his home cooked meals; annually his fellow FF's let him go on a call for his Christmas card photo op.

Why are my tax dollars being spent to give a 57 year old retiree a 4 hour firefighting refresher course? So he can climb up on roofs and act like an idiot with OSHA's blessing?

It's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt.

This isn't quite the response Randy was hoping for -- he thought everyone would see him suited up and swoon "ooooh, our hero" instead of "Who is that idiot distracting the firefighters?"

MAybe it was a Rudy Giuliani moment for him, at least in his mind. Before 9/11, Rudy had a mixed record in public life. His performance during and immediatly after 9/11 has become his legacy, and the past has been forgotten.

Nice stunt Randy! I'll bet he was pretty disappointed that he didn't get some good video out of this. What a total Hoser!

JD in the NE, it's not the re-training that is going to cost us; rather, it's the babysitting:

"Leonard will be paired up with a safety officer when on the scene of a fire from now on, said Jeff Bancroft, the Fire Bureau's chief safety officer. 'He will be in an observation or advisory role and at no time will he be doing any hands-on firefighting,' Bancroft said in a response to the complaint.

'This was an unexpected occurrence, and we have made plans to prevent anything like this from happening again,' Bancroft said."


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