
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 12, 2009 6:35 AM. The previous post in this blog was Someone told me it's all happening at the zoo. The next post in this blog is But watch out for injuries. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Help Marysville School

Can you imagine being a kid in a public elementary school and watching the school burn down in the middle of a school day? Fortunately, life and limb was spared. The school community appears to have been well prepared for everyone's safe evacuation.

But is anyone prepared for what happens next? The students are going to be bused daily to what was once an abandoned school building five miles away. A lot of the students' and teachers' school things have been destroyed, including backpacks, jackets, and school supplies. It's going to be a hard winter for some of those young people.

The Trib reports today that the nonprofit group Schoolhouse Supplies is collecting money and goods to help replace what was lost. We hear a lot about "for the children" this and that, but this is one case in which the validity of that claim is pretty obvious. Our readers have been known to be quite generous when reminded of a real need, and so if you're in the mood to do something that will make you feel good the rest of the day, click here:

Comments (15)

Thanks for putting us on to this. A truly worthy cause!

Folks who live in SE Portland can donate in person at the Fred Meyer on 82nd Avenue until 11:30 tonight.

Yes, I not only can imagine it, I think I did imagine it quite a bit, but my ship never came in. Luckily I kept my imaginings to myself, though in those days they didn't send you to a shrink for every antisocial thought, they just paddled you if you acted on them.

What confuses me is why they a busing them all the way over to the old Rose City Park school when the old Kellogg school sits empty practically right next door at 69th and Powell.

Kellogg Middle School, another closed building, is much closer to the Marysville community, but Smith said that building is in far worse shape and also full of unused furniture that would be difficult to move.

Last night, KOIN 6 said they have put barrels at Dollar Tree stores for donations as well.

TV news also said that Marysville didnt have a working sprinkler system. How is that even legal? Horrible thought, but if a kid had died, and there was no working sprinkler system, the lawsuits would never end. And PPS would be millions in debt forever.

Jon: I'm not a PPS employee or member of the fire department, but I can tell you that many PPS schools do not have sprinkler systems at all and some have systems in only parts of their buildings. Part of the reason for that is due to the various layouts of the buildings and corresponding fire safety codes. I would imagine that the main reason sprinklers were not in use at Marysville is because the classrooms were all on the ground floor. Anyone from PPS is welcome to validate or disprove my comments.

The Portland Council PTA (umbrella group for all local school PTA's in PPS) which runs the year-round Clothing Closet located at Marshall H.S. (3905 SE 91st) and provides gently used donated clothes to the all-too-many kids in need within PPS, is sponsoring a donation drop-off specifically for Marysville students.

They're open 8 to 4 and are asking esp. for the following in newish condition:

Coats, Jackets, Sweaters, Backpacks, lunchboxes, Art Supplies, library books, tissues, construction paper, copy paper.

Today Powell's delivered hundreds of donated books for Marysville School's library.

Thanks for posting this Jack. I wasn't sure where to send my donation. It's probably a good idea to have at least one decent sized school in mothballs, for occasions just like this.

Where is the districts insurance come into play, Why can't they replace all of the lost items?

By Monday? Have you ever dealt with an insurance company?

I donated--it's not far from where I live. C'mon folks, give them a few dollars, they can use it *right now*.

Why can't they replace all of the lost items?

My guess is that even if there is insurance, its not going to cover the kids' personal items likes coats and backpacks.

Thanks again for linking us to this important community effort. It is pleasure to be able to help.

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