
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 23, 2009 6:05 PM. The previous post in this blog was Mowing the weeds. The next post in this blog is 'Dogs leashed for another week. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, November 23, 2009

Colleague: "Get Humphreys and Nice off the streets"

A fellow officer reportedly accuses superiors of "dereliction of duty" for allowing the two Portland police officers involved in the killing of James Chasse to work stressful details with high potential for confrontations. "Am I the only one that sees the potential for disaster in this equation?" he asks. Of course not. But tell that to your union pitbulls, officer.

Comments (12)

Holy cow, that's brave!

Imagine being this officer and knowing that if you speak out some of your commanders and fellow officers will retaliate and you may be sacrificing your career.

Where are the other good cops who want to wash off the stink?

Brennan's got balls. He's also got big problems now. Can't wait to see that performance evaluation. Must be planning on moving on anyway (?)

Unfortunately the comments about Oden and the potentially hostile Al Gore fans make this guy seem a little nutty.

Central Precinct Officer Thomas Brennan prefaced his e-mail, saying he supported Officer Christopher Humphreys' beanbag-shooting of a 12-year-old on Nov. 14.

He spoke out about command staff, he did not see any problem with the beanbag.

I found officer Brennan's performance evaluation online.


Hmmm. He's basically saying these guys shouldn't be on the street, but then he blames management. Seems like nothing is ever the fault of the cop who is actually violating civil rights.

Imagine being this officer and knowing that if you speak out some of your commanders and fellow officers will retaliate and you may be sacrificing your career.

History proves that's not all that's been sacrificed in this situation.

Raise the education requirements to best in class where they always belonged. Rewrite all the procedures and training standards to best in class. That means Portland has to have its own training in-house. Fire bad apples. Oh, wait, all that general fund money is already allocated for funneling to stupid real estate deals and the consultants that promote them. Nevermind.

He's basically saying these guys shouldn't be on the street, but then he blames management. Seems like nothing is ever the fault of the cop who is actually violating civil rights.

Thats what I dont get. People keep saying that he did everything "as he was trained"..everything "he was allowed to do."

Isnt that the big problem here?

He's basically saying these guys shouldn't be on the street, but then he blames management.

There's blame enough to go around, but yeah, management is at fault when they put guys who are potential troublemakers and financial liabilities out on the street.

Brennan should be chief. It will take someone like him to give voice to the quiet majority of excellent Portland police officers. Until someone like him is in charge, the department will continue to be defined by the reckless rogue minority like Thumper, the BOTS, etc.

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