
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 6, 2009 1:33 PM. The previous post in this blog was Stop the presses. The next post in this blog is This means war. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Somebody's figured it out

Multnomah County has a really, really good public library, and it's been honored with the 2009 National Medal for Museum and Library Service. Well deserved.

Comments (8)

"Government workers" get a bad rap (sometimes deservedly so, oftentimes not), but the clerks at my local library (Belmont) are always very friendly and helpful, and go out of their way to help me and my kids whenever we're in there. Happy to hear the system as a whole is being recognized.

It is good but there's one subject missing: law. Oh, they have Supreme Court decisions and maybe the ORS but not a real law library.

Someone should figure out how to run the system with half the cost.

Inside an outsourced library

Redding residents applaud having a private company run their library

When LSSI took over the operation, they hired some of the employees who formerly worked for the city.

Librarian Gabe Burke said everyone was offered a job either at the city or at the library.

He said that in working with LSSI he doesn't live with the annual fear that he may lose his job. Also, he could transfer within the company if he wanted. "I almost feel more secure with LSSI," he said.

Burke said his salary is similar to what he was getting previously and his benefits are comparable. "I'm not losing any money," he said.

Redding branch manager Martee Boban said the salary is comparable, and the vacation and sick leave also are about the same working for a private company. "I love working for LSSI," she said.

Redding? LOL, as the kids say. Apples and oranges.

Of course apples and oranges.
Redding was a tease

Jackson County's 22 branch library system is now run on half the cost.
After the system closed the union insisted it stay closed versus privatize.

People call me a crank, but next to you, Ben, I'm Mister Rogers.

Don, if you want a law library try this:

Those the policies of this library which is publicly funded totally favor attorneys. However, it's more open to the public now than it was years ago.

Well yeah but that's only be use you're a little constrained by your political tilt.

You'd make a fine conservative if you ever shed your liberal skin.


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