
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 17, 2009 10:52 PM. The previous post in this blog was Or you can stand at a freeway ramp and beg. The next post in this blog is Word to the wise. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, October 17, 2009

Que syrah, syrah

This evening we went out and bought a bunch of wine, both for our house and as a gift for some friends. We made sure the State of Washington was represented, because they have some fantastic reds going up there. Tonight we read of the passing of this gentleman, to whom much is owed in that regard. May he rest in peace.

Comments (4)


I love how you and I are on the same page about Oregon (and Northwest) wine. Thanks for posting this. You also posted a good word when my good friend David Lett passed away just about a year ago. Turns out David Lake worked under David Lett down at Eyrie. We should all make a toast to the Davids tonight.

Hear, hear... although at the moment I've got a wonderful, skunky mencia from the Ribeira Sacra to toast them with.

That title pun is a personal favorite of mine, so I'm glad to see it get some use. Thank you.

As someone who enjoys a glass (or more) of some of the local wines, I have to say this:

Get a Vinturi. Nothing improves a "young" wine more.

I've had one for about a year, and it's amazing. I think I saw them in the wine section at the Hawthorne Fred Meyer if you want a local source.

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