
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 19, 2009 3:18 PM. The previous post in this blog was Underdog charity pool play starts tomorrow. The next post in this blog is Night team update. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, October 19, 2009

Merry Christmas, kids. Rudolph is dead.

Nothing like that union boss diplomacy to make everybody happy. Another Portland City Hall success story.

Comments (22)

Way to go, Sam. One of the reasons why tourists would actually want to come to Portland (as opposed to Alberta's naked clowns) is going down, and it's your fault.

Who gets the blame here? Randy?

I’ve always thought that if you rotated the big “M” 180 degrees, and saved an “e”, you would be well on your way to changing the sign to read, “Welcome to Oregon” I’d chip in for that.

It's a little unclear as to who should be blamed--honestly, sounds like the answer to that is "everyone." But what is clear is that Sam and Randy are unable to work a deal to keep the sign.

The question goes back to "why did Sam and Randy get involved in the first place?" You can now put the sign on the heap of badly done deals that they have been involved with. Lets re-cap: The Burnside Bridgehead, the South Waterfront district, PGE Park and MLS/Beavers, Lents, the Coliseum, the sit/lie ordinance, the Sauvie Island bridge.... anyone else care to add more? I'm sure there is lots that I have missed.

When is the last time we had something negotiated by the city leaders that was a success? these guys are the Tenessee Titans of government, only they didn't have a very good year last year either.

I never really understood Randy's objection to UO doing with the sign what they wanted. Nothing against them, but Made in Oregon is a private business, advertising a private business. They weren't venerable. I'm more of a Beav than a Duck but even still I can see UO is worthy enough to be on the sign. I don't get it.

What's the deal with Darryl Paulsen, owner of Ramsey Signs, owner of 'The' sign?

If it's any branch of the Paulson pariahs -- even if it's only exploitation of easy mistaken identity -- for me, then, it cuts another pie slice of guilt. And if it's NOT 'mistaken identity' then make some. (-:

The people who didn't see this coming probably voted for Sam, or Randy, or both.

anyone else care to add more?

Cesar Chavez Round 1, free municipal wi-fi...

Mayor Adams and Commissioner Leonard are retards when it comes to negotiation. If they're going to give away all of our stuff and screw up every deal, at least they could have the decency to give us a few magic beans. Which reminds me, we are still building the mag-lev monorail to Tigard in 2011, right?

I should have said "the organic hash-powered mag-lev monorail to Tigard." Scusi.

Let's pool our money and take it over. The new neon message:


anyone else care to add more?

I tremble to say it. Have we already forgotten the aerial tram?

Please add Sam's $450 M Road Tax, supported by Randy; add the Sellwood Bridge fiasco, within Portland's city limits; the Burnside Couplet by Sam and supported by Randy; Sam's plastic bag tax supported by Randy; Sam's recent leaf fiasco and proposed leaf tax; Sam and Randy's renaming street fiasco(s)-plural; Sam and Randy's support for additional city tax subsidies for solar systems totaling 85% tax subsidies-paid by other taxpayers not installing solar...

..if people would just start adding up what these two (and others) advocate and get into law, they may start voting differently.

Nothing against them, but Made in Oregon is a private business, advertising a private business.

You're right, of course, but you should take a private poll of your friends and relatives some time. I am willing to bet that the average Portlander DOES NOT KNOW THIS. I don't think people realize the hallowed sign is actually just a big advertisement.

anyone else care to add more?

Cesar Chavez Round 1, free municipal wi-fi...

I didn't think much of Cesar Chavez Rd. 2 either, did you? I'd say it certainly counts as a "badly done deal" too.

...Randy's aborted effort to play nanny and ban trans fats. (BTW I can't believe it took so long to bring up the tram)

Maybe a call to White Stag is in order. Are they still in business?

Let's go even further back than White Stag, how about White Satin Sugar, the orginal advertiser.

I guess I'm scratching my head why a landmark has ended up this way. And how I'm feeling that people are not getting this. It may be 'just a sign' to some, but it is more than that. Sigh. (throws up hands....)

I don't remember White Satin Sugar as the owner of the sign - before my time. The original sign certainly wouldn't have had a stag on it, since that's the old Hirsch-Weiss (White Stag) logo and has nothing to do with sugar.

The Hirsch-Weiss Building was designed and built in 1907 as a manufacturing and warehouse facility for the Willamette Tent and Awning Company (founded by Henry Wemme in 1884 and acquired in that year by Max and Leopold Hirsch and Harry Weiss). Max Hirsch - a nephew of Aaron Meier of Meier & Frank — was president.

The White Stag company was founded in 1931 by Harold Hirsch and in 1940 a sign was built by Ramsey Signs for White Satin Sugar Company, which rented space on the roof.

In 1959, the sign was changed from "White Satin" to "White Stag".

In 1997 the sign was changed to "Made in Oregon."

Personally, I still miss a sign that will never come back: the White Rock fairy who used to be located on the south side of I-84 where Providence Hospital now squats. Anybody else remember that one?

Here's the White Rock fairy logo that used to overlook the Banfield. If she were threatened today you can bet Randy would ride to her rescue . . .

White Rock Fairy

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