
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 3, 2009 2:59 AM. The previous post in this blog was "I am out of your league. Period.". The next post in this blog is It's pickin' time again. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, September 3, 2009

What, no Denny Smith?

Oregon's next governor is going to be John Kitzhaber, Bill Bradbury, or Allen Alley. How refreshing. We can hardly stand the excitement.

Comments (17)

And as I glance to the right of my browser screen I see.... Sponsors.... John Kitzhaber for Governor. How ironic.

Can't we find a moderate repug in the race, or a moderate dimmo?
Oh me, of such little faith.

Kitzhaber having Goldscmidt cronies Imeson and McCaig/Walsh managing his comeback I can only be very unsurprised that Oregon is about to accelerate the status quo.
The Port of Portland, TriMet, Metro, PDC, OHSU, ODOT, ODE and every other backroom scheming goverment stronghold will be delighted.

Exactly where is Neil anyway?

Let's quit messing around and just re-elect Goldschmidt.

Screw it - Bud Clark for mayor!

I've heard ftom folks who should know that Gordon Smith is seriously considering running. Atkinson is also in.

As for moderate Republicans... how about Frank Morse?

John is drooling at the prospect of coming back to a Dem controlled leg. Let the wasteful spending continue!

Keep Oregon Mediocre!

We could use Gordo

I was surprised that perennial Repub. candidate
Kevin Mannix wasn't waiting in the wings.


Slow race to the bottom/mediocrity. Glad to see the Dems are as bankrupt as the Reps when it comes to new ideas.

I was surprised that perennial Repub. candidate Kevin Mannix wasn't waiting in the wings.

Perhaps Mannix's money man, Loren Parks, just doesn't have the heart to fund him again.

One more thing you'll love - The guy running Bradbury's campaign is the main flunky pushing MLS in Portland.


Even more new ideas.

...For sh** sake, could those in the media stop pronouncing the former gov.'s name as kitzHOPPER! There is no P in Kitzhaber. Are half of you even FROM here??

Gert Boyle for Governor!!

Mannix was omitted, but I suspect that was intentional by Jack.

But was Jason's omission also intentional? He has not yet thrown his hat in, but he will. And he may easily beat Alley in the primaries.

The way it stands today, Kitzhaber would be our next Governor. It could be a lot worse.

"It could be a lot worse."

It could be a lot better.

could those in the media stop pronouncing the former gov.'s name as kitzHOPPER!

These media mavens are the same fine folks who give you KulonGOWski, phonetically. They're not operating at a high enough level for these Euro names. We should settle for a Smith or a Roberts, I guess, to avoid four more years of grating errors. Or, bring back the printed media!

Same goes for the local media's mispronunciations of Yakima, Yeon.....

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