Welches con man strikes again
This news comes in from a concerned reader:
The guy just hit my tavern, five minutes ago [around 6 p.m.], the Crackerbox Tavern, 6420 NE Portland Hwy. (where NE Lombard turns into Portland Hwy near airport), and got $40 from my bartender with the same story. He said his name was David Wilson, and left a hand written note with an address, 25222-4 E. Welches Rd, Welches, Oregon 97045.That's his name, but I seriously doubt that's his current address. He used to live out there and may still have a relative out there, but he's working out of Portland these days.
The zip code for Welches, by the way, is 97067. The one he gave is Oregon City.
One of these days, something really bad is going to happen around this guy. Let's hope that he, and not some unsuspecting, innocent person, is the victim then.
UPDATE, 10:34 p.m.: Here's his autograph -- his latest victim demanded a receipt. A lot of good that will do. And correction: He asked for $40, but was given only $30:

That address is a trailer park, in which Wilson apparently once lived.
Comments (8)
Just out of curiosity, has anyone offered to give him a ride to Welches? I know perfectly well that he wouldn't take it if he has this good a deal going in Portland, but the look on his face when someone says "I'll tell you what: I'll drive you out there" should be priceless.
Posted by Texas Triffid Ranch | September 25, 2009 7:16 AM
Just out of curiosity, has anyone offered to give him a ride to Welches?
If that happened and he had to play along, he would be probably be seen walking around Welches telling people his truck was stolen and he needed cash to get back to Portland.
Posted by none | September 25, 2009 8:15 AM
I wonder how it would be if David has a mental illness that causes him to really believe that he is a contractor whose truck has just been stolen and he really needs cash to get home to Welches. He might be locked in an endless loop of emotional stress and trauma. It seems obvious that this guy needs psychiatric help. I wonder where his family is in all of this, if he has one.
Posted by none | September 25, 2009 8:20 AM
Where's this guy when you need him?
Posted by Bad Brad | September 25, 2009 9:38 AM
Everyone's gotta start somewhere. Remember the name when this man is someday hired for a PR job at Tri-Met or pitching a stadium deal we can't refuse...
Posted by RANZ | September 25, 2009 10:12 AM
Is what he is doing really criminal? He is a liar and a con artist, but if people are suckered into giving him cash voluntarily, seems like the cops are going to have a hard time doing anything about it.
Posted by benschon | September 25, 2009 10:16 AM
benschon, what's it like working for Meritless Paulson?
Posted by George Anonymuncule Seldes | September 25, 2009 10:51 AM
I wonder where his family is in all of this, if he has one.
Readers told me a couple of years ago that his family has disowned him, because he winds up abusing anyone who tries to help him with his drug problem.
the cops are going to have a hard time doing anything about it.
He is committing a crime called theft by deception, open and notoriously, and making a living off it. If all his victims showed up in a courtroom, it would amount to many thousands of dollars.
Posted by Jack Bog | September 25, 2009 12:06 PM