
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 9, 2009 9:09 AM. The previous post in this blog was Fight! Fight!. The next post in this blog is Latest condo fizzle: 38th and Belmont. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Portland auditor: Nobody's watching for fraud at City Hall

But here's the best part of her report:

The audit notes that the city code and administrative rules direct city employees to act ethically. But, the audit notes, the city has not provided its employees with comprehensive training on ethics or on reporting fraud, abuse and waste – a failure that increases the risk that suspected cases will not be reported.
A need for ethics training? At City Hall? You don't say...

Comments (8)

Well that goes a long way in explaining how Portland has been run through the years.

Valade has worked for the city before. In fact, in the city auditor's office. She's just now catching on to all this?

This sounds more like a shot accross the bow to let certain council members know that she knows stuff and they better play her way.

I know -let's appoint Amy Ruiz to head up a special comittee that watches out for FRAUD, WASTE, and ABUSE in city hall.

She can start with herself. She believes that non-membership in a private foreign membership organization is a valid reason to exclude someone from the ballot for her public elective office.

She could investigate the blatant fraud noted in my January 23, 2009, letter to her predecessor and to Yvonne L. Deckard, Portland Human Resources Director. The head of ONI let a contract to her very own corporation, and that corporation knowingly failed to comply with the prohibition against discrimination.

Link Here.

According to the Auditor's office no one heard or discussed anything at all about the issues raised. It is like Homer Simpson's classic rendition of "D'oh!"


"Policy" has no meaning at city hall, either. They may have a 'policy' on something, but if it is not observed, or blatantly contravened, nobody is ever held responsible.

So...Policy discussions with elected city officials is a waste of time.

"the city has not provided its employees with comprehensive training"

Joy, more make work for the army of consultants City Hall keeps employed.

This is not an original idea.Multnomah County has a Good Government Hotline to report fraud, abuse etc.

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