
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 13, 2009 4:36 AM. The previous post in this blog was Wild, wild life. The next post in this blog is Yin and yang. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hold your breath

They're inspecting the Sellwood Bridge today.

Comments (7)

I'm hoping for the inspection which closes the bridge permanently to vehicular traffic.

I suspect that the only way to get action on this long-standing problem is to close it. Would the public response then be sufficient to assure that replacement happens?

Not 'repair'...Replacement.

As has been noted on this site many, many times, it is simply rediculous and neglegent that all of the regional bureaucracies can find money for trams, streetcars, and many other ego projects but not for the Sellwood Bridge which presents a safety hazard to so many.

A replacement bridge should be built from LO to Milwaukie. Pull out a map, it's where the needs is and it's the best geographic location between Oregon City and Downtown Portland. But it won't happen. LO has the money to block anything.

Does everyone recall (wonderful word: have you signed the petition?) the Union general in Keaton's masterpiece, "The General (1924)?" He's the one who gives the order to send the train across the burning bridge (in Cottage Grove, long gone; but there is a mural in the town). Keaton had one take and it remains perfect.

Will anyone be there to record the collapse of the Sellwood Bridge?

Should our alleged mayor or the modestly effectual Mr Wheeler take the role of the Union general who erred so grievously?

The Sellwood Bridge is owned and operated by Multnomah County. The last time I checked a boundary map, neither Lake O. nor Milwaukie are in Multnomah County. So moving a replacement bridge for something that belongs to Multnomah County is not even a legal possibility.

That bridge would be a project de novo. What goes on in Clackamas county would be relevant to Lake O. and Milkwaukie and any bridges would need to come from that legal entity.

Maybe Metro would like a bite at that apple (as we used to say in law school).

Since Multnomah County and the City of Portland have failed to fix the Sellwood Bridge I asked my legislator, Sen.Rosenbaum, to have the State take over the bridge. Instead of answering me I believe she helped pass the bill outlawing puppy mills. I just hold by breath and pray when I cross the Sellwood. (I live in Milwaukie and use the bridge frequently.)

The Sellwood is close to being in a perfect location. Folks from Sellwood and Clackamas county can get to SW Portland, downtown, L.O. and beyond quickly. A bridge between Milwaukie and L.O. would be a less versatile route. And the folks in L.O. might not like the traffic added to their already busy downtown.

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