
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 18, 2009 9:49 PM. The previous post in this blog was The Portland Convention Center hotel is dead (more or less). The next post in this blog is Fremont Street bus gets new number to go with service cuts. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, September 18, 2009

Everything you needed to see

I tuned in for the ninth inning of the Mariners-Yankees game tonight, being played in Seattle. The Yankees were ahead, 2 to 1, and they sent in their big closer guy, Rivera, to nail down the victory. He struck out the first two Seattle hitters, but down to their last out, Seattle sent up a pinch hitter named Sweeney, who doubled to right center. Next up was Ichiro. He was overdue for a hit against Rivera, but would it be a deep enough hit to score the pinch runner on second and tie the game?

Forget that. Ichiro homers, Seattle wins. Holy cow.

Comments (3)

Holy cow!?!? My, oh, my, you mean. Great call by one of the game's great broadcasters. And it was Ichiro's second game-winning hit in a row.

Dropped in at the local pub in the 8th inning of that game, which went fast. And then here comes Mariano Rivera, who had converted 40 of 41 save chances up to then. All of a sudden, boom. Man, what a way to end the game.

And, despite Saturday's thrashing by the Bombers, the Sunday win by the Mariners meant that 1) the Mariners won the series and 2) the Yankees couldn't clinch a play-off spot on sunday. Oh, and the Mariners look to improve their record from last year by 25 games or so.

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