
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 5, 2009 1:15 AM. The previous post in this blog was Have a great holiday weekend. The next post in this blog is The excitement builds. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, September 5, 2009

Black Joe Lewis broke a string in Portland

And you know what? It didn't matter one bit -- he and his band just kept rockin' the house. Another amazing night, right here where we live.

Comments (7)

Fantastic show. I MUST know, however, when and where Coco Cobra plays again. I picture a slower accoustic set. With candles.

An unbelievable performer, Jimi meets James. As for Coco, I'll pass on an encore.


Don't know when Coco Cobra plays again, but here is a very interesting article by and about the lead singer's breast cancer experience.

Black Joe Lewis kicks serious ass. He put on a great show the last time he was in town opening for Jason Isbell.

He's a headliner now.

Great show! Loved the coco cobra set! That was a surprise, awesome garage, punk, rock Haven't heard anyone else taking it to that level in a long time! Great show and need to know when Coco Cobra is playing next.. are they following them on tour?

Yeah Joe is headlining all around the world now. If you haven't heard these guys play, they have all their songs posted on their Uvumi profile, plus a good photo album and tour schedules. I can't wait to catch the next performance, they're damn good on stage!

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