
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 6, 2009 11:45 AM. The previous post in this blog was Our way of life threatened. The next post in this blog is Ridden in a town car lately?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Who needs cops when you can have condos?

Here's breaking news: The guy Mayor Creepy has put in charge of the Portland Development Commission -- you know, the same guy who runs Melvin Mark Properties downtown -- wants to "get as many new construction projects off the ground as soon as possible."

The massive amounts of public money needed for these projects will apparently fall from the sky shortly.

Comments (5)

“Anything we can do will help reduce the unemployment rate and put more money into the economy.” Brilliant! If you build it, of course the jobs and money will come. Of course! What a visionary!

It's too bad the basic infrastructure to get there - roads, water, sewer - can't be fixed first. Oh, I forgot - go by Streetcar!

Remove money from the economy to pump back into the economy, from our pockets to their pockets, it's like the Merritt Paulson scam on steroids. The PDC is a program in need of a sunset. Is there any way to kill the thing.

Nothing is better for a giant unprecedented glut of residential, office and retail real estate than building more real estate. Sharp thinking.

I'm surprised this boy wonder isn't a retired Bushie.

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