
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 31, 2009 4:00 AM. The previous post in this blog was I love my iPhone, but.... The next post in this blog is More reasons for Portland not to do the Paulson stadium deal. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, August 31, 2009

Red? Blue? Alas, it's all about the green.

Comments (8)

As the man said " We're all in the same boat". But with Insurance commissioner of Oregon that boat has one large hole in the middle.
Sure glad the Insurance commission is under the dept. of commerce. Double digit raise of premiums for us suckers..er citizens.

I completely agree with what Moyers says here...Obama should be a fighter.

"I would rather see Obama go down fighting for vigorous strong principled public insurance, than to lose with a corporate-dominated bill.....I think if Obama fought instead of really finessed it so much, it would change the atmosphere."

How much cash did Obama take from big pharma and the healthcare industry towards his election? That'll tell us what side he will error on... My gut feeling says whatever reform is finalized will benefit the corporations/Wall St, but will be trumpeted as a win/win for the people..

It should be no surprise that Moyers is a major supporter of public campaign finance (known locally as Voter Owned Elections) as one remedy to "the green".

We need Obama to be a hero, even if it means only one term. We already have way too many politicians only concerned with reelection.

With Reid suggesting that a public option could be run by a private corporation, I wouldnt be surprised to see a program like Medicare Advantage become the public option..

One of the better articles I’ve recently read on the myths and realities of US vs. “other” health care:


Moyers is a major supporter of public campaign finance

We have had this for the President for decades, and it is an obvious failure. The Portland version is also quite disappointing.

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