Portland hospitality
From time to time our travels take us past a Pacific Power substation over in the Lloyd District. Years ago they put up some faux walls around part of it to make it a little less awful to look at, and we've often thought that other such installations around town could benefit from the same treatment.
Lately someone has added a message to one of the walls. We're still trying to puzzle out its meaning:

Comments (4)
...we've often thought that other such installations around town could benefit from the same treatment
Not only could "such installations" benefit, but many others. My votes:
2. Sandy Boulevard (Burnside to Hollywood)
3. Beaverton
Posted by John Rettig | August 11, 2009 7:01 PM
That whole substation is atrocious. Too bad they can't cover it completely.
Great photo and graffiti however. Thanks Jack!
Posted by Mizzzz | August 12, 2009 1:38 AM
The nice thing about that graffiti is that it's tape that can easily be pulled off. Though normally an avid tag-fighter, I think it's a great comment on the other-worldly look of that full-block equipment depot. As if it were something out of a 1950's sci-fi movie.
But then again, maybe it's a message to the McDonald's drive-through directly across Halsey Street.
There's another bad one of these facilities (but smaller) on Belmont, cater-corner from the dairy. I remember when the power company wanted to slap up a big cell tower there to add insult to injury; this was a dozen years or so ago. The neighbors fought it off.
By and large, the utility people have no shame.
Posted by Jack Bog | August 12, 2009 2:03 AM
Obviously they're just quoting Will Smith's line from Independence Day.
Posted by Ten | August 12, 2009 5:19 AM