
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 25, 2009 2:07 PM. The previous post in this blog was E-mail me again when he shows some common sense. The next post in this blog is Turn, turn to the rain and the wind. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

E-mail, Feeds, 'n' Stuff

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Now in the Emerald City

The law firm to turn to when you're trying to site a LULU (locally undesirable land use) in Portland must be doing pretty well. The Ball Janik crew has announced that they've opened a branch in Seattle. This adds to their Washington, D.C. branch; the mother ship here in the Rose City; and an office over in Bend.

The PBJ story on the new branch contains an interesting description of the firm: "Ball Janik LLP, which was founded in 1982, specializes in congressional and administrative lobbying for a wide variety of public and private sector interests." It's interesting that that's who the cities of Portland and Beaverton have hired to negotiate with the Paulson family over their stadium money dreams. Can a firm that's used to twisting politicians' arms on behalf of the wealthy and powerful do the same thing in the opposite direction? I suppose it's possible.

Comments (3)

Insert Generic Lawyer Joke Here

Insert ethics violations and indictments there.

I notice that the bottomless federal stimulus money machine will provide $133 million to completely revamp the 18-story Edith Green / Wendall Wyatt federal building in downtown Portland. Front page of the "O" this morning.

We are told that, "the building could qualify for 'LEED' certification, an internationally recognized green seal of approval."

The Portland firm SERA Architects has been hired to take the lead on the project.

Among the tenants: The IRS, Ron Wyden and the Veterans Administration.

"Some may question such a lofty price tag for a renovation -- why not just start from scratch? For example, the smaller, 11-story Oregon Sustainability Center to be built at Portland State University is projected to cost $90 million." (or so Pollyanna tells us)

No word on who will get the contract to do the actual work. "We're talking hundreds of workers," said Bob Shiprack, who represents the Oregon State Building and Construction Trades Council. "This is a total remodel. It's as far as you can go without knocking the whole building down."


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