
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 3, 2009 11:13 AM. The previous post in this blog was Take me out to the shell game. The next post in this blog is While the feds hand out money.... Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, August 3, 2009

Loss of blood begins

Too funny. As we predicted here, the City of Beaverton is hiring Steve Janik to cut its deal with Little Lord Paulson over a new baseball stadium. But outdoing the Sam-Rand twins, Beaverton's also picking up lawyers from Chicago. Hey, when you're being taken to the cleaners, you may as well go in style.

Comments (7)

I thought Paulson hired Janik? Or was it CoP? Or does Janik represent everyone who wants anything in this town?

What a pop-stand we are.

Janik was hired by the City of Portland, not Paulson.

"A mixture of public and private funds would pay"

Why do I have a feeling that particular financial alchemical formula will have a much heavier ratio of public funds to private funds?

Why do I have a feeling that particular financial alchemical formula will have a much heavier ratio of public funds to private funds?

Probably because the City of Beaverton would be the owner of the stadium.

If Beaverton wants the Beavers more power to them. Might actually cause me to go west of the hills.

How can Janik represent two clients (Portland and Beaverton) "competing" for the same team?

Doesn't the OSB prohibit conflicts of interest? How about just plain old fashioned ethics?

I feel like I'm living in a Liberal Looking Glass.

Ah, Stevie "Two Foots" Janik.

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