
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 13, 2009 2:42 PM. The previous post in this blog was How much rent can Paulson afford to pay?. The next post in this blog is Paulson's last stadium deal fell apart. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, July 13, 2009

When they ban blogs like this one...

... it will be because it's the "green" thing to do.

Comments (6)

The only way to eliminate those 20mg of CO2/sentence read is to stop breathing. If there is an afterlife I pray it's free of eco-freakies who come up with drek like that.

Did I mention how sick and tired I am of everything being equated to 'green'. I'm almost to the point where if you tell me it's 'green' I purposely WON'T buy it.

"It is part of the whole sustainability picture"

The money quote from the story.

Oh, I kinda liked "(Google's) main six, five megawatt server farms ...."

After having sat a few weeks on the hillside in The Dalles looking down on one of the 'farms.' Up close and personal.

Would they rather us kill hundreds of trees to share the information? That way the trees will not take any more CO2 out of the asthmosphere. People need to consider the big picture. And I agree that the word green is so annoying. It is a color after all, not a movement.

This is just another excuse for the government to pass another law and tax the internet on a per page basis. Get ready folks, its around the corner.

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