Cue the developer weasels

Eugene is looking for a new city hall. No doubt the apartment bunker sharpies will be quick with proposals. "Mixed use! LEED Platinum! Linchpin! Thousands of new jobs!" And affordable, $1,000-a-month studio apartments.
Eugene is looking for a new city hall. No doubt the apartment bunker sharpies will be quick with proposals. "Mixed use! LEED Platinum! Linchpin! Thousands of new jobs!" And affordable, $1,000-a-month studio apartments.
Comments (8)
Thousand dollar a month studios are cheap compared to some places in DC and NY.
Posted by James | June 25, 2009 2:51 PM
But it's Eugene James
Posted by Cam'ron | June 25, 2009 2:58 PM
James exhibits the new Portland standard of quality -- if it's worse somewhere else, then anything here is fine.
Posted by Jack Bog | June 25, 2009 3:31 PM
What's wrong with the 1960s version they now have? Or did some "economic development" genius - who has never run a business in their life - propose this?
Posted by Dave A.. | June 25, 2009 4:49 PM
It's so ugly and dated it could be billed as a new 'green' development condo in PDX
Posted by D | June 25, 2009 4:51 PM
I think it's fabulous. It's so out it's in again. Retro, baby!
I'll take that over any soul-less, steel and glass mixed-use abomination they want to cram in there. Just expand and update the existing building. It's called making due. Live within your means. It's a municipal structure. It doesn't have to be Pearl-pretty. Don't follow Portland's example.
Posted by Ranz | June 25, 2009 5:09 PM
Yeah that will be Sam and Randy's next scheme. Give away the land under city hall and have Hoffman Construction build a magazine-ready showcase of course with a bookstore and a coffee shop on ground level. Don't forget the rooftop lawn too.
Posted by notjustforlooks | June 25, 2009 5:12 PM
When I was in college I did some work with the local government and police, I went to this place many times, it was always like a bad dystopian scifi movie set. In other words it rocks and they should learn, like those of us that run our own businesses to play the hand their dealt.
Posted by Ty | June 25, 2009 5:32 PM