This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 28, 2009 9:25 AM.
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All great tips. Security screen doors are nice in that they don't look too bad, and they are often stronger than a standard door. I have one in the front and back of the house. When it's mild out, I can leave both doors open while gone without worry.
It's also nice to be armed, in case someone decides to break in when you're home.
Another good idea is to make an agreement with your neighbor that if you are burglarized, the neighbor will spray paint an ethnic or racial slur on your house, so the Police will investigate. Simple burglaries are largely ignored by police here.
(As Petroleum Vesuvius Nasby used to say, "Goak Here")
It's great that police are doing this. I give them extra points for use of new media, and I appreciate the tips. Unfortunately, the sound was terrible. Can someone point them towards a decent lav mike?
Everybody knows about the obituary trick, so usually a more distant friend of the family stays behind at the house. At least here where I live, not in the Portland Metro area.
Comments (5)
Did they work as hard as it seems to find a Harmon/CSI-guy lookalike?
Posted by George Anonymuncule Seldes | May 28, 2009 9:49 AM
All great tips. Security screen doors are nice in that they don't look too bad, and they are often stronger than a standard door. I have one in the front and back of the house. When it's mild out, I can leave both doors open while gone without worry.
It's also nice to be armed, in case someone decides to break in when you're home.
Posted by RW | May 28, 2009 10:55 AM
Another good idea is to make an agreement with your neighbor that if you are burglarized, the neighbor will spray paint an ethnic or racial slur on your house, so the Police will investigate. Simple burglaries are largely ignored by police here.
(As Petroleum Vesuvius Nasby used to say, "Goak Here")
Posted by Lalawethika | May 28, 2009 12:08 PM
It's great that police are doing this. I give them extra points for use of new media, and I appreciate the tips. Unfortunately, the sound was terrible. Can someone point them towards a decent lav mike?
Posted by Dave C. | May 28, 2009 4:12 PM
Very sweet.
Everybody knows about the obituary trick, so usually a more distant friend of the family stays behind at the house. At least here where I live, not in the Portland Metro area.
Posted by JoWriter | May 28, 2009 8:08 PM