
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 20, 2009 12:34 PM. The previous post in this blog was Watch out, strange kind people. The next post in this blog is Parks Board to Paulson: Take your stadium and shove it. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Pie Chart of the Week

funny pictures

Comments (9)

I thought the recall guy came off pretty well from the TV coverage at Nick's. The story on CNN.com is good too.
By the way, I was watching basketball but I had KPAM on the computer. In the part I listened too you could hear a meeting in the background but Victoria was just taking callers saying, "Go ahead and talk, I can't talk right now."
Victoria, if you're going to latch onto the recall thing why such lame radio?
To think I used to be a weekly secular guest on the religious KPAM. I hate to see it go down the toilet like this.
I guess I was too much of an anachronism for modern radio. I'd actually show up with some material.
Not only that but I once got Jay Leno to call into the little studios on Division at the Christian Supply place.
Now we've got people talking in the background that you can't hear and that's the recall coverage?
Way to bring the A game.

OMFG , back hair , yuk yuk
what about the next date w/
pretty boy merrittt

The Sam thing stopped being funny when he crashed his truck into somebody. Here is what we really need to address: Why did Portland elect this guy, not once, but twice, the second time as our mayor and symbolic leader? What are we going to change so we don’t make such a poor judgment again?

what about the next date w/pretty boy merrittt

Too old.

better revise the chart:

what next--500 yr floods?

Mr Nkrumah's action might yield some intriguing discovery; yet unless he had a contract that stated explicitly that the man who hired him would not lie to him and about him, it is not at all clear that his suit can survive a motion to dismiss.

It would survive were integrity recognized in contract law as an unassailable value. It should survive if trust in our elected commissioners is ever to be restored.

Of course, if Mr Nkrumah prevails, it is the taxpayers of Portland who will be on the hook yet again for Mr Adams's prevarications and character assassinations -- as we continue to be burdened by the misrepresentations that have not stopped flowing from Mr Adams, Mr Miller, and Mr Nkrumah's $80K/annum successor.

Given all the ads for laser hair removal, I'm guessing his back fur rates higher than shown on the above pie chart.

That, and whether or not Beau stays bought.

Good sources have been saying for over two months that more than one lawsuit like this would be coming near the AG's findings. Probably some AG leakage has occurred to have this filed today as well as others to follow very soon. The AG's report was/is important for individuals to step forward.

There are also sources saying that two police departments also know of other issues involving Sam. They may not have to come forward (and cause future political fallout-good and bad for the police departments)if the AG's report and filings like this dismisses this Mayor.

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