
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 12, 2009 3:30 PM. The previous post in this blog was Paul Allen bails on Portland radio. The next post in this blog is Portland "urban renewal" abuse hits new low. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Cleaning up after Mayor Creepy

An observant reader caught this scene at Jantzen Beach this morning:

Get a good look, Portland taxpayers. This is what you and I will be doing for the rest of our lives.

Comments (11)

When they're done replacing the curb, can we kick Sam to it?

Body shops across the Greater Portland area are also busy at work repairing the damage, but we won't be privy to those photos, I guess.

I don't know what the banking laws are in Brussels, but maybe that's where he's stashed some illicit cash and that's the real reason this trip was so important...

City of Portland truck?

No, his own. But it looks like public auction surplus.

Doesn't look like a city job. The two guys are both actually working. I do hope Sam's insurance company is paying.

Do we know that taxpayer dollars are paying for this or his insurance company?

Kick Out Party Thurs

A whole cement truck for a curb repair? Where did they take the rest of the load?

Whatever happened to portable mixers?

Body shops across the Greater Portland area are also busy at work repairing the damage, but we won't be privy to those photos, I guess.

Doesn't look like a city job. The two guys are both actually working.

This is just the first stage of the mayor's promised job creation for the blighted local economy.

Kind of looks like Mayor Creepy with the bucket. Are we sure he's in Belgium? Only way we can really tell is if he turns around and we can check the zipper.

I'm no expert on the art of cement, but is it wise to just pull a truck up and start the flow into a hole?

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