
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 9, 2009 5:24 PM. The previous post in this blog was Movin' on. The next post in this blog is NBA Playoffs slip into snooze mode. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, May 9, 2009

Angry young man

Billy Joel is 60 today.

Comments (6)

I wonder why I'm geeked to see Springsteen this fall but not Joel and Elton John. With the exception of The Rising, The Boss has been on creative cruise control for nearly as long as Joel. Yet I'll gladly fork over $100 to see Springsteen, but won't pay the same amount to see a show featuring the other two. Something I'll have to think about.

Will you see him in September? ... Bruce turns 60 then, too, or as they say in boomerville, 'six-OH!

I believe I've passed the age of consciousness and righteous rage. I found that just surviving was a noble fight.

It would be worth it see Elton John, whom we've admired since "Take Me to the Pilot" but have never seen in person. Billy's nest moment was "Allentown," and we were privileged to see him do it when it was very fresh, in the Memorial Coliseum. Bruce we would never miss -- it's like your best friend's birthday party, every time.

Caught Billy Joel several times live, always good --great-- shows with his band...hey, he and I are from the same 'hood, the township of Oyster Bay, Long Island, hangin' at the Parkway Diner.

That said...Billy really crapped on his fellow band members and they're gone and his last show was nostalgia, and he actually started off with "Angry Young Man" which, when you're pushing 60, just seems wrong. Not ironic, but just wrong.

Too, too bad...but I can live without him dueting with Elton.

Here's the video that asked the question: What if the kid dances like Christie and looks like Billy?

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