
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 15, 2009 8:56 PM. The previous post in this blog was Yuck -- the Rockets. The next post in this blog is The hits just keep on comin'. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Why bother?

There is actually going to be an NBA playoff series between the Atlanta Hawks and the Miami Heat. The winner moves on to be crushed by Lebron James.

Comments (6)

Ah, but both teams are getting playoff experience. To hear the Blazer organization tell it, there's no substitute.

The quality of teams in the East drops off precipitously after Orlando.

Have to respectfully disagree. I think that Spoelestra (spelling?) has done a great job with the Heat, that Wade is a great player, and that the Hawks are a blast to watch. It's a shame they weren't televised nationally more often.

Yeah, you're right, the winner will likely get mauled by the Cavs in the following round, but the first will still be a fun one to watch.

I highly recommend checking out "The Macrophenomenal Pro-Basketball Almanac" by the guys who write freedarko.com, especially their chapter on Josh Smith of the Hawks. It'll give you a greater appreciation of him as a player, and hopefully, the Hawks as a team.

the Celtics are better than the Cavs. even without Garnett for many games, they've only got a few less wins. if Garnett makes it back for the second round or so, they'll dispose of the Cavaliers handily.

but it looks like Garnett might miss this run.

ecohuman, it is hard to share your high hopes for the Cs after last Sunday's ugly display without KG. The Cs had trouble with everyone prior to LA last playoff season. Even the Hawks played the Cs tough, as Philly did Tuesday. The Cs cannot relax in the early rounds.

Can the Cs win in Cleveland? Home advantage counted last year and will hurt the Cs this season.

KG will be back in time, but can PaulP carry the Cs again this playoff?

I certainly would enjoy a Cs-Blazers final much more than another match with LA, which will not be as unprepared as last year.

An inauspicious beginning for the Cs, who are missing
a couple of cylinders:

Chicago is ready to wear them out. KG's long absence has taken its toll. Who will step up for Boston at the critical juncture?

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