
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 25, 2009 2:30 PM. The previous post in this blog was Head on over to that fellow with the shears. The next post in this blog is Leave your costume headgear at home. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Reader poll: Update your Blazers prediction

Our reader polls calling for predictions in the Blazers-Rockets playoff series have reflected the psychology of the pro hoops fans among our readership:

ResultAfter Game 1 - Houston leads 1-0After Game 2 - series tied 1-1
Blazers will win in 5 games1%1%
Blazers will win in 6 games8%14%
Blazers will win in 7 games22%30%
Rockets will win in 4 games15%---
Rockets will win in 5 games32%15%
Rockets will win in 6 games21%34%
Rockets will win in 7 games1%5%

Now the Blazers have fallen behind again, 2 games to 1, and they're playing tomorrow in Houston. After that, they come back to Portland, and if they're still alive after that one, they return to Houston. If there is a Game 7, it will be in Portland.

So now what do you think will happen?

The Rockets lead the Blazers in their playoff series, 2-1. Who do you think will ultimately prevail?
Blazers will win in 6 games
Blazers will win in 7 games
Rockets will win in 5 games
Rockets will win in 6 games
Rockets will win in 7 games
pollcode.com free polls

Comments (10)

I think that last game really hurt my sense of optimism.

My latest prediction is the Rockets winning Game 4.

Then, when they come up from Texas for Game 5, they'll bring the Swine Flu.

Too negative?

Okay, that was tasteless and wrong. Blazers in 6.

I think we'll be hearing a fair amount of swine flu humor this week.

I hope it's more skillful than that.

Let me try again:

Life has a way of lowering your expectations. When the Blazers went to Texas, I was hoping they wouldn't lose two. Now I'm just hoping they don't get the Swine Flu.

I sure hope I'm wrong, but we could be wandering into a huge problem here. We're also going to be hearing a lot about if this is a manmade strain and if so, who made it - who weaponized it and why? At least the fringe websites I read we'll be on that.

First I think we'll deal with right-wing radio and a week or two of "This is why we need to have a huge border fence and machine gun anybody who looks at us funny as they come across."

How can the number one pick in the draft, play 21 minutes get 6 points 4 rebounds 5 fouls and you rate that as OK?

Because he didn't get the Swine Flu.

First I think we'll deal with right-wing radio and a week or two of "This is why we need to have a huge border fence and machine gun anybody who looks at us funny as they come across."

Im sure they will go there, which is just...well, stupid.
But you cannot honestly deny that our open border could be a very serious problem with this Swine Flu issue. I guarantee everyone will be looking twice at any Hispanic with the sniffles for a while.

How can the number one pick in the draft, play 21 minutes get 6 points 4 rebounds 5 fouls and you rate that as OK?

He played pretty good defense, and he made Houston change its defense so that the Blazer Euro-shooters could go to work. His plus-minus statistic was +8 in a game that his team lost by 3.

I hear that you can get swine flu by coming into contact with Ron Artest.

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