Paving over every last square inch
Nothing gets our b.s. meter heated up faster than a mailer from the City of Portland or the Port of Portland. So imagine how off the charts it went when we recently got this one -- a joint mailer from both!

Oh boy, another "important discussion." We missed it. But what's it really about?
Hey, this is the Port of Portland talking. No surprise: The "plan" is to cut down those trees, chase away the wildlife, and install some more cranes to sit idle waiting for new shipments of cars that no one can sell at the moment. Or hey, how about another Ikea? And don't overlook the condo possibilities!
"Green, sustainable" Portland -- the word "hypocrisy" gets tossed around on the internet far too frequently, but in this case, it fits pretty well.
Comments (13)
Why do we need trees when we have green roofs?
Posted by A Hopeful | April 1, 2009 7:28 PM
I love the black and white photo, and the angle showing all the "marine industrial" blight around the island. It screams, "This isn't worth it -- let us pave it!"
Posted by Jack Bog | April 1, 2009 7:32 PM
How about a nice LNG terminal and storage facility?
Posted by Frank | April 1, 2009 8:03 PM
Here's a useful link to the Aubudon Society of Portland's website where the subject is addressed in greater depth and - once again - the pretense at hearings would appear to be smoke and mirrors:
Here's an exerpt:
"West Hayden Island is threatened by development. The Port of Portland took West Hayden Island under condemnation proceedings in 1992 for the purpose of building a giant 500-700 acre marine industrial complex. The Port is currently in the process of attempting to annex and rezone West Hayden Island to pave the way forward for this development. Audubon Society of Portland opposes this unnecessary destruction of critical wildlife habitat. Bob Sallinger is currently representing Audubon on a public advisory committee that will be reviewing the proposed annexation over an 18 month period extending from February 2009 through the spring of 2010.
"This is not the first time that the Port has initiated efforts to annex and rezone West Hayden Island."
Posted by NW Portlander | April 1, 2009 9:17 PM
When I first saw this photo and post, I automatically assumed there was a plan to build condos on Swan Island. Imagine my surprise when I read the word "cranes"...
Posted by TKrueg | April 1, 2009 10:03 PM
Using all these recycled ideas for economic growth ought to count for something.
Honestly, I would prefer an LNG terminal. It would benefit consumers more than idle container facilities and millionaire longshoremen watching the clock.
Posted by Mister Tee | April 2, 2009 7:19 AM
Millionaire longshoremen? Tee, enlighten us with your anti-union screed.
Posted by TKrueg | April 2, 2009 9:46 AM
Perhaps a good statement from the Port of Portland about how they expect lots more shipping cans or roll-on / roll-off cargo in the immediate future should preclude the chainsaws.
I believe we had a New York Times article linked here last week saying that the current cranes and RTGs idle more than they used to, and even roll/roll is down because no one is buying cars. Why the NY Times is reporting this before the Oregonian is beyond me, but that's what was linked...
Anyone on the Stevedores' scene want to enlighten us as to what is going down at the Port?
Posted by MachineShedFred | April 2, 2009 10:21 AM
Based on the ability of Portland to lure long-term jobs, what exactly is PoP proposing to fill it with?
I guess the "build it and they will come" philospohy holds sway still.
I anticipate a zillion acres of razed earth with infrastructure and no jobs anyways.
Posted by Steve | April 2, 2009 11:23 AM
"" The City of Portland and Port of Portland worked with Portland State University’s Oregon Consensus Program to assess stakeholder needs and evaluate opportunities for a collaborative planning process...""
Sentences like that only give me a headache.
Posted by Dave | April 2, 2009 12:37 PM
Preservation of this rare and precious area was considered a done deal for decades. All kinds of development was done protectively to respect that. What happened to "no net loss", which was a mantra in this town a few years ago. I don't remember a vote to get rid of it.
In my view, if the bureaucrats can short circuit the democratic process to bypass the public, it is time for the public to bypass the bureaucrats and go straight to the elected officials. The Port Board serves at the pleasure of Governor Ted Kulengoski. You can bet that this is not even on the table unless he's signed off on it. Call him today and tell him that squandering this unique remnant of the lower Columbia ecosystem is NOT ON THE TABLE.
Posted by dyspeptic | April 2, 2009 12:53 PM
"Call him today and tell him that squandering this unique remnant of the lower Columbia ecosystem is NOT ON THE TABLE."
Would it do any good? They built 250-ft tall condos on the Willamette river bank in SoWa without a peep.
We've lost control of govt.
Posted by Steve | April 2, 2009 2:27 PM
Creating new habitat for endangered $timulatingly greed -- er, green-ish.
Maybe they'll also toss some Willamette Valley grass seed into the asphalt and concrete cracks and add that up in terms of acreage. What the heck are they putting in that once-pure Bull Run water these daze?
Thanks for posting this, Jack. Special thanks to NW Portlander for the Audubon link!
Now back to my patent pending beta testing: an engine that runs on broken promises -- endless supply of fuel, highest milage in metro areas, near infinity around government installations, can time-travel from base on K Street.
Posted by Mojo | April 2, 2009 4:28 PM