
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 29, 2009 9:56 PM. The previous post in this blog was No chalupas. The next post in this blog is No surprise here. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Metro on Convention Center Hotel: We're with Wheeler

Even the bobbleheads on the Metro council are telling Mayor Creepy and Mr. Edlen that their rush job on the zombie hotel project is going nowhere fast. [Via WW.]

Comments (9)

Let's be realistic here:

Before they build that hotel,
"17 Magazine" will name Sam Adams, "Mentor of the Year."

HAHAH I heard Sam was going to ask the Design Review commission to increase the size of ADA Bathrooms.

Is it just me, or is it only in this deep economic malaise that we are seeing all these different agencies call to "work together"? I don't recall seeing to many communications like this when times were flush. Comes across to me as a scramble for dollars.

On another note, that might be the 7 most-illegible signatures I've even seen on one document. lol

This looks like a slick way to delay and see how the recall of Creepy unfolds.

One thing is for sure when agencies like Metro are involved.
Their real objectives and motivations are never clear.

Let us, please, not underestimate wHizzoner. Notice how deftly he has moved the debate from whether to build a new minor-league baseball stadium to where to build it.

Also note that Sammy has also moved the debate from WHETHER to use taxpayer money to build the Convention Hotel to WHEN we should proceed.

With Gov Kulo yesterday saying the Columbia Bridge shouldn't be about Design, contrary to Sammy's position and now the Metro Council's position on the Hotel, maybe they know exactly where Kroger is headed on the "investigation" of Sammy.

Translation: No, Mayor Adams, we aren't going to roll over and let you use this as a way to pay off political allies prior to the recall effort.

"we support the County's request to wait until individual jurisdictions budget processes are complete before jointly tackling hotel-related issues"

I'm telling you this thing will not die - Not as long as Edlen and Ashforth have their hand up Sam's back.

Go, Ted.

I trust that Ted has taken on mentoring Sammy, if only in a metaphorical fashion.

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