
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 7, 2009 9:51 AM. The previous post in this blog was Isn't it bliss? Don't you approve?. The next post in this blog is Just what Oregonians need. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Coming soon to a financial meltdown near you

Local currency.

Comments (11)


"we're having trouble getting people to take a single step and buy local, but if we print scrip, then people will take *two* steps and both buy scrip *and* buy local."

the only reason it worked much at all in the Great Depression was the deep mistrust of banks, because they weren't guaranteeing deposits and often made it challenging to withdraw money.

today, we guarantee deposits because of that. we have ATMs and instant access to cash. we have global, Web-based shopping. we print and circulate money very differently.

i'm all for shopping and producing locally. but scrip is a gimmick. it's been tried dozens of places--it's first a novelty, then a burden, then sits in drawers or gets exchanged for "real" cash.

Great graphic. Someone's getting scary good at Photoshop

I might print up a few of these and see if anyone bites.

Our government is working hard on the bank confidence angle: the FDIC is now going to be the "lender" in the PPIP scam, with a trillion or two of non-recourse loans. They might as well put their money in the stock market, as the PBGC did last year.

Yes, by all means I am in favor in abandonment of the US $ in favor of the "Randy". It is always a good idea to do everything possible to purchase local goods at the expense of quality, price and selection. Let's hope our export customers in Canada, China, Japan and Mexico don't decide to follow suit. Personally I am now going to enjoy this delicious ripe Bartlett pear from Argentina which I just purchased at Fred Meyer. Hey I know, I could have bought a tasteless hard cold storage pear from last season's Hood River harvest. Oh well, I will vote in favor of flavor this time.

Quite a picture of Randy. Even Aretha Franklin said, "Damn, that's a big hat."

Next comes the Krugerrandy, made of Fool's Gold.

I believe it is already legal tender in the City Hall mens bathroom.

Morbius wins.

That's all that those ubiquitous, skimmy flim-flammy store "gift cards" are -- and LESS!

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