
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 28, 2009 9:04 AM. The previous post in this blog was Four no-hitters in a row. The next post in this blog is Does Portland really need a Hard Rock Cafe?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A local politician actually doing his job

Comments (24)

Now that's how you sell a project.

Ted Wheeler for Mayor.

That was great.

Though I would find his claims that the bridge is safe much more reassuring if he staged a demonstration wherein he is daringly rescued by firemen from a great height.

This is the most interesting presentation I have seen from a pol in a long time.

Reality--what a concept.

This bridge is not suitable for either soccer or baseball. Let's move it to downtown Portland for a bicycle bridge.


I really hope Mr. Wheeler has a long career in Oregon politics.

Notice he didn't mention planners or charrettes even once ...

Wow, after listening to Sam and Randy bloviate for the past few months, I had forgotten what it was like to hear from a politician who was not simultaneously pandering and condescending. Excellent job, Ted.

I'm serious. I will go to the wall for this guy, even though I'm sure I disagree with him on a fair number of issues. He has shown more integrity in the past few months then all the scumbags in City Hall have in their entire political lives. Sign me up for his next campaign.

Very nicely done Chairman Wheeler.

Bob Wiggins

I didn't know about the earth moving underneath of the west end of the bridge. Huh.

Excellent presentation, there. Somebody shake that man's hand.

I, too, am impressed. It is a well-researched, well-produced presentation...while not being slick, flashy, or condescending.

The two things about most politicians:
1. You know they are lying if you can see their lips moving.
2. The air is usually filled with speeches and vice-versa.

Mr. Wheeler's presentation is thoughtful, explanatory, and convincing.

I wish him a fruitful career as a public servant (not a public panderer as are many in our City of Pdx. governance).

___ora et labora___


Great job, now if you can only convince the people of sellwood/woodstock that it is the 21st century and not 1970 and realistic transportation options are needed in that span.

It no longer makes sense for Multnomah County to own and be solely responsible for those bridges. Those bridges are infrastructure assets that are vital to the entire tri-county area. We need a tri-county bridge authority and all three counties need to pitch in to maintain and or replace them.

this kind of effort is the single best thing Wheeler can do to counter City Council sneer politics.

Ted Wheeler continues to impress me with his values and priorities. He's gone to the bat for the things we need: services for our most vulnerable citizens, infrastructure, THE BASICS, not the flashy attention-getting projects. Maybe they aren't as exciting but its refreshing to see a politician who puts first thing first.

Mr. Wheeler neglected to mention one critical item necessary to move forward with Sellwood Bridge replacement - a yes vote on the CC hotel.

...doesn't this video really make that attempt seem even more disgusting?

As the previous commentator noted, Ted Wheeler's refusal to trade votes with Mayor Creepy (CC Hotel support in exchange for support on Sellwood Bridge)positions him as a politician with character, rather than simply a character. Hurrah for Ted!

All the more reason to dump one man off the city council..the bridge,like all the rest of the bridges are a key factor to daily life and business.

The thing goes down..it kills people, it stops business,loads other streets, slows the city,it harms all.

Sam,and Randy still want other toys to play with without a thought of the impact of that bridge not being there in the worst of circumstances.

I will not bring up a long running issue I have had with all these elected's(Ted included)his work on that video shows once and for all, maybe one of these people got it right. thanks Ted.

For those interested in landslides in the metro area, check out the LIDAR maps from Oregon DOGAMI:


The interface is a little clunky, but it looks like there are two old landslide scarps at the west end of the Sellwood Bridge.

PMG, I believe the LIDAR maps do not show landslide scarps, but merely in the darker shading, steeper slopes. Not all steep slopes are past or potential slide areas.

I think it could have been improved if there had been a segment where Storm Large pretended to pee on him from the top of the bridge.

Nice job, Ted. You are the best thing that's happened to this County in a long time. And I say that with the full knowledge that I will be laid off from it come July 1st. You are doing great great work. Keep it up. And hey, can you do one of these for the courthouse?

PMG, I believe the LIDAR maps do not show landslide scarps, but merely in the darker shading, steeper slopes. Not all steep slopes are past or potential slide areas.

You are correct, sir. But the curved shape of those two spots are likely scarps. A previously unknown slide was discovered via LIDAR at the intersection of Oatfield Rd and Jennings Ave, south of Milwaukie. You can see the scarp area NE'ly of Oatfield and the debris mass SW'ly of same.

LIDAR sounds like something you'd need for one of Sam or Randy's videos ...

AmberZ Holy smokes, the idea of Ted doing a similar "guided tour of decrepitude" for the courthouse is brilliant. As long as the highest-profile elected official pushing for a new courthouse is Presiding Judge Maurer, folks will continue to think a seismically sound courthouse is a boondoggle for us lawyers. Let Ted show the cracks, the crumbling asbestos, the file room with the 4.5" ceiling, and maybe a CGI simulation of the whole thing collapsing into fine-grained rubble in a minor quake, all on glorious HD.

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